My three-card spread this morning from the #AylettTarot. I'm currently working my day job from home, and I'm preoccupied with revisions for my upcoming novella #DRECK. The writing process is strange and dreamlike, like divination. You have to go with the flow and get surprised by everything that emerges from your subconscious. The cards are most certainly open to interpretation, but that's what "The Lookout" here means to me anyway.
#tarot #SteveAylett #tarotDeck #divination #tarotCards #Aylett
#ayletttarot #dreck #tarot #steveaylett #TarotDeck #divination #tarotcards #aylett
5-7 of my many favourite authors for #bookstadon
#bookstadon #IainBanks #iainmbanks #aliettedebodard #ChinaMieville #steveaylett #nealstephenson #chrisbeckett