Nikos Davies-Tsagkadakis · @nikosdt
188 followers · 127 posts · Server

Are the and others have deliberately underfunded our so they achieve the privatisation so eagerly have pursued during the last few years?

#tories #rishisunak #stevebarclays #jeremyhunt #nhs #ToriesOut #gtto #privatisation #nurses #nursesstrike

Last updated 2 years ago

Nikos Davies-Tsagkadakis · @nikosdt
180 followers · 123 posts · Server

Nurses, Teachers, transport workers were all key workers during the pandemic. Now and the want us to believe that they are a menace to our society. Are they really a menace?
cost us 37 billions
cost us 8.7 billions (went to donors?)
cost us 40 billions on tax revenue
cost us 11 billions on overpaid interest on
“There is no magic money tree” ”.

#rishisunak #tories #testandtrace #ppe #tory #Brexit #uk #debt #stevebarclays #strike #nurses #rmt #postoffice #teachers

Last updated 2 years ago