Vanaf 27 juni: Luke Daniels reist naar België om zijn oude vriendin Jillian te redden. Wie is de negende man die hun probeert te vermoorden? #steveberry #pimvanofferen #bookstagram #grantblackwood @Grant_Blackwood #lukedaniels
#steveberry #pimvanofferen #bookstagram #grantblackwood #lukedaniels
Chores done. Tea simmering on the stove. Now it’s time for a couple of hours with the #Kindle
#SteveBerry #TheOmegaFactor
#Kindle #Paperwhite #SignatureEdition
#kindle #steveberry #TheOmegaFactor #paperwhite #signatureedition
Some interesting ones on your list that I’ll check out!
Also in no order but read & enjoyed in 2022:
#ChildOfLight by #TerryBrooks
#Portals by #DouglasERichards
#GhostRider by #NeilPeart
#KillingFloor by #LeeChild
#TheAmberRoom by #SteveBerry
#WarLord by #BernardCornwell
#HowToPracticeTheWayToAMeaningfulLife by #DalaiLama
#childoflight #TerryBrooks #Portals #douglaserichards #ghostrider #neilpeart #killingfloor #leechild #theamberroom #steveberry #warlord #bernardcornwell #howtopracticethewaytoameaningfullife #dalailama