Hapyness - Steve cutts - Invidious
#Video #SteveCutts
Musik Bizet /Carmen
#Moby - 'Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (Reprise Version)' #WhyDoesMyHeartFeelSoBad - Invidious #Video von #SteveCutts
#stevecutts #video #whydoesmyheartfeelsobad #moby
„The Turning Point“ beleuchtet die #Umweltzerstörung, den #Klimawandel und das #Artensterben aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Musik von #Wantaways. Drehbuch, Regie und Animation: #SteveCutts https://youtu.be/p7LDk4D3Q3U
#stevecutts #wantaways #artensterben #klimawandel #umweltzerstorung
G R O ß A R T I G S T ! ! ! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Liebe ja das Stück sehr und hätte nie gedacht, dass es ausgerechnet zu so etwas passen könnte! Unfassbar wahr und ein unfassbar guter #SteveCutts!
Was für eine Jagd! - Steve Cutts
What A Hunt - Steve Cutts
Steve Cutts ilustratzailearen lana ezagutzen nuen baina gaur jakin dut animatzailea ere badela eta bere hainbat laburnetraila sarituak izan direla.
2016ko hau "Are You Lost In The World Like Me?" deitzen da eta oso ona iruditzen zait.
Informazio gehiago: #SteveCutts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Cutts
A Brief Disagreement by #SteveCutts
A visual journey into mankind's favourite pastime throughout the ages. #SeFoutreSurLaGueule #War
« I've worked on this sporadically for the past few years or so. Hand drawn frame by frame animation, composited in After Effects. »
© Steve Cutts 2022 https://youtu.be/9x7FGbW3IVc
#stevecutts #sefoutresurlagueule #war
A new(ish) video from the brilliant and talented animator Steve Cutts, creator of one of the best shorts I've ever seen, "Man", which focuses on our proclivity to ravish the planet for greed & product.
This is about another tendency synonymous with humans, sadly (bigly aggression/violence/war)
> “I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth – rocks!” - Albert Einstein
#war #animation #stevecutts #humans
A new(ish) video from the brilliant and talented animator Steve Cutts, creator of one of the best shorts I've ever seen, "Man", which focuses on our proclivity to ravish the planet for greed & product.
This is about another tendency synonymous with humans, sadly (bigly aggression/violence/war)
> “I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth – rocks!” - Albert Einstein
#war #animation #stevecutts #humans
The Turning Point, an animated short by Steve Cutts:
Warning: this video may focus your attention on some of the effects consumer capitalism has on other species with whom we share this planet and its biosphere. This may not be an entirely comfortable experience.
#video #animation #theturningpoint #stevecutts
J'aurai dû penser à partager cette vidéo de Steve Cutts pour le #BlackFriday
#pouetradio #radiohead #stevecutts #blackfriday
Sinon y a #SteveCutts qu'a sorti une nouvelle vidéo:
Timely new animation by Steve Cutts
A Brief Disagreement
STEVE CUTTS "Happiness"
ça commence doucement comme le Boléro de Ravel... j'adore :)
#happiness #rat #filmanimation #stevecutts #MastoArt
STEVE CUTTS "Happiness"
ça commence doucement comme le Boléro de Ravel... j'adore :)
#happiness #rat #filmanimation #stevecutts #MastoArt