Is the #festivalofaspokennerd around in #mastodon ??
I would like to hear announcements about #apoud here :rubberduck:
#festivalofaspokennerd #mastodon #MattParker #helenarney #stevemould #apoud
#SteveMould - Can #Water #Solve A #Maze?
#Math #Maths #Science #Physics #Fluid #Fluids #FluidDynamics #Flow #FluidFlow #Path #SolvePath #SurfaceTension
#surfacetension #solvepath #path #fluidflow #flow #fluiddynamics #fluids #fluid #physics #science #maths #math #maze #solve #water #stevemould
Steve Mould
How transparent objects can project images
#stevemould #caustics #image #lens #optimaltransport
Every video looks like so much work has gone into it!
Also worth a few views:
#bigclive (taking dodgy electronics apart, so you don't have to)
#BeckyStern (teardowns and stitchups)
#HughJeffreys (voiding warranties on flagship phones)
#SteveMould (stuff you didn't know you wanted to know about)
#RoseAnvil (cutting footwear in half, so you don't have to)
#UsagiElectric (fixing obscure computers)
#bigclive #beckystern #hughjeffreys #franblanche #stevemould #laurakampf #roseanvil #usagielectric #windytan
πππ πππ―ππ§π§π ππ‘ππ¨πππ£π π‘ππππ©π¨ π€π£ π π¨π’ππ§π©π¬ππ©ππ by #SteveMould on #YouTube
@zoul @petrkou toto je teprve mazec! #BlowMyMind #SteveMould #Spintronics
#blowmymind #stevemould #spintronics
Steve Mould has wonderful videos explaining various interesting physics effects. Here is his latest video.
'The #TurntableParadox ' - #Vectors in a #Rotating #ReferenceFrame
Do you expect the pool ball to simply fly off the turntable?
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Vector #Rotation #FrameOfReference #FramesOfReference #Spinning #Inertia #InertialReferenceFrame #InertialReferenceFrames #MomentOfInertia #SteveMould
#stevemould #momentofinertia #inertialreferenceframes #inertialreferenceframe #inertia #spinning #framesofreference #frameofreference #rotation #vector #mathematics #maths #math #referenceframe #rotating #vectors #turntableparadox