Gizmodo: Michael Bay Was Initially Against That Final Reveal in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts #drafthasbrocinematicuniverse #skullcandygiheadphoneheadset #transformersriseofthebeasts #transformerscharacters #entertainmentculture #generaljosephcolton #hasbrouniverse #stevencaplejr #transformers #anthonyramos #brianrobbins #michaelbay #imaxfilms #variety #unicron #hasbro #gijoe #noah #joe
#drafthasbrocinematicuniverse #skullcandygiheadphoneheadset #transformersriseofthebeasts #transformerscharacters #entertainmentculture #generaljosephcolton #hasbrouniverse #stevencaplejr #transformers #anthonyramos #brianrobbins #michaelbay #imaxfilms #variety #unicron #hasbro #gijoe #noah #joe
"#TransformersRiseOfTheBeasts, aside from proving that Bumblebee wasn’t a fluke and giving audiences another excuse to ignore that The Last Knight ever happened, is just a really damn fun action flick."
Full review at FilmInk: #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #transformers #beastwars #90s #scifi #action #stevencaplejr #anthonyramos #dominiquefishback #petercullen #petedavidson #ronperlman #peterdinklage #michelleyeoh
#transformersriseofthebeasts #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #transformers #beastwars #90s #scifi #action #stevencaplejr #anthonyramos #dominiquefishback #petercullen #petedavidson #ronperlman #peterdinklage #michelleyeoh
Steven Caple Jr. was a Transformers fan growing up. And now he finds himself directing a Transformers movie.
#StevenCapleJr #Transformers #TransformersTheriseoftheBeasts #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews
#stevencaplejr #transformers #transformerstheriseofthebeasts #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews