"We are very, very small. But we are profoundly capable of very, very big things." — Steven Hawking — — — #StevenHawking #quote #quotes #small #big #humankind #ingenuity #capable #ability #abilities #profound
#stevenhawking #quote #quotes #small #big #humankind #ingenuity #capable #ability #abilities #profound
»Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away.« (* 8.1.1942 in Oxford, England; † 14.3.2018 in Cambridge, England) #StevenHawking #StarChild #RIP
#stevenhawking #starchild #rip
@baudolino Diese Woche im #Hamburg er #ThaliaTheater gab es noch einen #RobertWilson : „H“ 100 seconds to midnight
Top! Inspiriert von #StevenHawking und #EtelAdnan
Passte prima zum kurz zuvor gesehenen #Dorian .
Nur im Thalia im 2. Oberrang zu sitzen ist viel anstrengender als im #Dresden er Schauspielhaus.
#hamburg #ThaliaTheater #robertwilson #stevenhawking #eteladnan #dorian #dresden