WHAT THE DICKENS!: With his 2019 #BBC version of #achristmascarol #PeakyBlinders creator #StevenKnight has tinkered around before with the work of #CharlesDickens. But in his new version of #GreatExpectations with #FionnWhitehead #OliviaColman & #JohnnyHarris he seems doubly determined to shock the Dickens purists. But is it any good?.. http://loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/2023/05/what-dickens-great-expectations.html
#bbc #achristmascarol #peakyblinders #stevenknight #charlesdickens #greatexpectations #fionnwhitehead #oliviacolman #johnnyharris
Toda Luz Que Não Podemos Ver: Menina cega francesa e órfão alemão tentam sobreviver à 2ª Guerra em trailer impactante da Netflix; assista
#TodaLuzQueNãoPodemosVer #StevenKnight #ShawnLevy #Netflix #MarkRuffalo #LouisHofmann #HughLaurie #ViNoInstagram #Séries
#todaluzquenaopodemosver #stevenknight #shawnlevy #netflix #markruffalo #louishofmann #hughlaurie #vinoinstagram #series
Kotaku: The 6 Biggest Announcements From Star Wars Celebration (So Far!) https://kotaku.com/star-wars-celebration-ashoka-trailer-rey-new-jedi-order-1850313084 #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwarsexpandedtoothermedia #entertainment2cculture #jamesmangoldlucasfilm #jamesmangold28logan29 #sharmeenobaidchinoy #kathleenkennedy #leslyeheadland #themandalorian #humaninterest #rosariodawson #creativeworks #joonassuotamo #jamesmangold #stevenknight #herasyndulla #justincarter #ezrabridger #daisyridley #thrawn
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwarsexpandedtoothermedia #entertainment2cculture #jamesmangoldlucasfilm #jamesmangold28logan29 #sharmeenobaidchinoy #kathleenkennedy #leslyeheadland #themandalorian #humaninterest #rosariodawson #creativeworks #joonassuotamo #jamesmangold #stevenknight #herasyndulla #justincarter #ezrabridger #daisyridley #thrawn
Kotaku: Daisy Ridley Returns As Rey In Star Wars Movie Where She Rebuilds Jedi Order https://kotaku.com/star-wars-celebration-daisy-ridley-jedi-order-sequel-1850311858 #gaming #tech #kotaku #filmsusingcomputergeneratedimagery #starwars3atheriseofskywalker #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #sharmeenobaidchinoy #skywalkerfamily #kathleenkennedy #creativeworks #humaninterest #stevenknight #daisyridley #georgelucas #rianjohnson #adamdriver #lucasfilm #skywalker #palpatine #trilogies #rey
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #filmsusingcomputergeneratedimagery #starwars3atheriseofskywalker #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #sharmeenobaidchinoy #skywalkerfamily #kathleenkennedy #creativeworks #humaninterest #stevenknight #daisyridley #georgelucas #rianjohnson #AdamDriver #lucasfilm #skywalker #palpatine #trilogies #rey
#Ferrari, from #PeakyBlinders creator #StevenKnight, is scheduled to begin filming in Rome in June.
The drama series, inspired by the best-selling biography "Ferrari Rex" by #LucaDelMonte, tells the story of #EnzoFerrari, the legendary man behind the iconic brand.
#EnzoFerrari #lucadelmonte #stevenknight #peakyblinders #ferrari
File under 'Things We Don't Need':
#ParamountPictures has acquired the remake rights to #AlfredHitchcock's 1958 classic #Vertigo, with #RobertDowneyJr eying the #JamesStewart role, and a screenplay by #PeakyBlinders scribe #StevenKnight (who has also just signed to write a new #StarWars film). Though now owned by #UniversalPictures, the original was a Paramount film and the studio was favored by the Hitchcock estate for the remake.
#paramountpictures #alfredhitchcock #vertigo #robertdowneyjr #jamesstewart #peakyblinders #stevenknight #starwars #universalpictures
Still enjoying the SAS origin story “Rogue Heroes” directed by #StevenKnight on Prime. The desert sabotage campaigns go very well w AC/DC and other rock n roll music supporting.
Born to Lose - Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers
Thunderstruck - AC/DC
Bless 'Em All - George Formby
Oi! Oi! Oi! - Cockney Rejects
Rollin' and Tumblin' - Cream
#stevenknight #peakyblinders #soundtrack #sasrogueheroes
#stevenknight on the ‘Rogue Heroes’ of His Follow-Up to ‘Peaky Blinders’ _ really enjoying this series https://www.tvinsider.com/1067271/rogue-heroes-series-steven-knight-epix/
First episode of #SASRogueHeroes on #BBC #iplayer was a cracker. The cast is top drawer and it's by #StevenKnight. So far, a must watch.
#tv #tvshows #streamingshows #stevenknight #iplayer #bbc #sasrogueheroes
A Thousand Blows: Steven Knight è al lavoro su una nuova serie tv #Athousandblows #stevenknight #24agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2lha2NsdWIuaXQvMjAyMi8wOC8yNC9hLXRob3VzYW5kLWJsb3dzLXN0ZXZlbi1rbmlnaHQtYWwtbGF2b3JvLXN1LXVuYS1udW92YS1zZXJpZS10di8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1yc3MmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1yc3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWEtdGhvdXNhbmQtYmxvd3Mtc3RldmVuLWtuaWdodC1hbC1sYXZvcm8tc3UtdW5hLW51b3ZhLXNlcmllLXR2
#24agosto #stevenknight #Athousandblows
Taboo 2 - Il creatore Steven Knight conferma quando inizieranno le riprese #bbcone #One #secondastagione #stevenknight #tomhardy #14maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaGFsbG9mc2VyaWVzLmNvbS9uZXdzL3RhYm9vLTItcXVhbmRvLWluaXppZXJhbm5vLXJpcHJlc2Uv
#14maggio #tomhardy #stevenknight #secondastagione #one #BBCOne