The whole force of workers in the cotton mills of #Stevenson, #Ala. Several of them are apparently under twelve, but I could not get the ages. Photo posed by the general manager. Location: #Stevenson, Alabama.
#stevenson #ala #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
The whole force of workers in the cotton mills of #Stevenson, #Ala. Several of them are apparently under twelve, but could not get the ages. Photo posed by the general manager. Location: #Stevenson, Alabama.
#stevenson #ala #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
One of the young workers of #theStevensonCottonMills. Apparently Under twelve years. Location: #Stevenson, #Alabama.
#thestevensoncottonmills #stevenson #alabama #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Gizmodo: ND Stevenson Wants to Embrace the Messiness #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #entertainmentculture #stevensonfamily #adlaistevensoni #blueskystudios #eugeneleeyang #ndstevenson #lumberjanes #stevenson #disney #nimona #theses #shera
#sheraandtheprincessesofpower #entertainmentculture #stevensonfamily #adlaistevensoni #blueskystudios #eugeneleeyang #ndstevenson #lumberjanes #stevenson #disney #nimona #theses #shera
Der Schauspieler Ray #Stevenson ist im Alter von 58 Jahren gestorben:
"#Stevenson was inspired to become an actor after seeing John #Malkovich in a play at a West End theatre in London."
He has played in so many interesting roles, I have always liked his characters played as an actor. I'm sorry not to see him again. Ray #Stevenson acted in "The Punisher", one of the my childhood comics. and who don't remember when was Blackbeard in BlackSails.
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Reflexiones R. L. Stevenson
Tenemos tanta prisa por hacer, por escribir, por adquirir velocidad, por...
RT @EditionsPaulsen
#AujourdhuiEnLibrairie | JOURNAL DE LA CONSTRUCTION D'UN PHARE, un inédit de Robert Louis Stevenson :
#RobertLouisStevenson #Stevenson #BellRockLighthouse
#aujourdhuienlibrairie #robertlouisstevenson #stevenson #bellrocklighthouse
Moutainbiking in the #Cévennes. #MassifCentral #France. #Stevenson Alas, no Przewalski's horses. But some friends (I think).
#stevenson #France #massifcentral #cevennes
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
#TombTuesday #stevenson #jekyll #hyde
IL MUSICISTA-LOGGIONISTA: ROBERT LOUIS STENEVSON #Stevenson #RobertLouisStevenson #Writer #Book #Poetry #Scotland #UK
#stevenson #robertlouisstevenson #writer #book #poetry #scotland #uk
"Borges, Proust and Nabokov are among the most perceptive readers that have ever lived. Their testimony ought to be sufficient. But if not, we also find that Henry James greatly appreciated #Stevenson. So did Walter Benjamin, Fernando Pessoa, Italo Calvino, Cesare Pavese and Bertolt Brecht.
Surely that’s enough? if not, add Hemingway, Kipling, Chesterton, Jack London, Natsumi Soseki, Javier Marias, Roberto Bolano."
Kirjoitan tällä hetkellä Charles Leslie #Stevenson näkemyksistä #Totuus #Etiikka. Stevensonin duuni #Yale jätettiin vakinaistamatta 1946, koska hänen ajatuksiaan #Etiikka #Kieli merkityksestä pidettiin liian vaarallisina tms. Stevenson vaan ajatteli, että etiikan lauseiden #Merkitys on "emotiivinen" - tai siis selittyy noin suunnilleen sillä millaisia asenteita ne ilmaisevat - ja että etiikka ei täten ole puhtaan järjen hommaa. Onneksi briljantille #Filosofi löytyi hommia muualta (#Michigan).
#michigan #filosofi #merkitys #kieli #yale #etiikka #totuus #stevenson
Reisen um des Reisens willen.
Die große Sache ist, sich zu bewegen.
Robert Louis #Stevenson *13.11.1850 - 3.12.1894 Samoa
Kunst – sie ist ein Leben, das man leben muss.
Wenn deine Grundsätze dich traurig machen, verlass´ dich drauf: Sie sind falsch.
Robert Louis #Stevenson 13.11.1850 – 3.12.1894 Apia/Samoa
Deine Ängste behalte für dich, aber deinen Mut teile mit anderen.
Zu sein,was wir sind, und zu werden, was wir werden können, ist der einzige Sinn des Lebens.
Robert Louis #Stevenson *13.11.1850 Edinburgh – 3.12.1894 Apia/[Samoa]
Keine Pflicht wird so sehr vernachlässigt wie die Pflicht, glücklich zu sein.
Un #weekend di #viaggi fantastici con #BEIC. #Oggi vi portiamo su un'#isola piena di insidie e pericoli, ma chi non vorrebbe andarci?
#catalogo #digitale #avventura #leggere #romanzo #inglese #Stevenson #tesoro #pirati
#pirati #tesoro #stevenson #inglese #romanzo #leggere #avventura #digitale #catalogo #isola #oggi #beic #viaggi #weekend
🎄📚 150 #livres au format #epub (pour #tablette, #liseuse ou #ordinateur), sélectionnés par le ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, sont disponibles en téléchargement libre sur #Gallica. 😃
🎁 Au programme : #Eschyle, #Dante, Charles #Perrault, Émile #Zola, Mark #Twain, la Comtesse de #Ségur, Robert Louis #Stevenson, Guillaume #Apollinaire, George #Sand, et bien d’autres ! 🎉
#livres #epub #tablette #liseuse #ordinateur #gallica #Eschyle #dante #Perrault #zola #Twain #Ségur #stevenson #apollinaire #sand