How Will the #Universe End? - #BigFreeze, #BigRip, #BigCrunch, #BigBounce or #vacuumdecay? #StevenStrogatz speaks with #theoreticalcosmologist #KatieMack about the five ways that #scientists think the universe could come to an end.
#universe #bigfreeze #bigrip #bigcrunch #bigbounce #vacuumdecay #stevenstrogatz #theoreticalcosmologist #katiemack #scientists
#Veritasium et #StevenStrogatz ont fait une #VulgarisationScientifique de cette synchronisation qui mentionne le #ModèleDeKuramoto :
> The Surprising Secret of Synchronization
#modeledekuramoto #vulgarisationscientifique #stevenstrogatz #veritasium
#Math #ComputerScience #Lean
> Can Computers Be Mathematicians?
> #ArtificialIntelligence has bested humans at problem-solving challenges like #chess and #Go. Is mathematics #research next? #StevenStrogatz speaks with mathematician #KevinBuzzard to learn about the effort to translate math into language that computers understand.
#KevinBuzzard #stevenstrogatz #research #go #chess #artificialintelligence #lean #computerscience #math
#Math #TheJoyOfWhy
> Untangling Why #Knots Are Important
> The study of knots binds together the interests of researchers in fields from molecular #biology to theoretical #physics. The mathematicians #ColinAdams and #LisaPiccirillo discuss why with host #StevenStrogatz.
#stevenstrogatz #LisaPiccirillo #ColinAdams #physics #biology #knots #TheJoyOfWhy #math
#Biology #TheJoyOfWhy
> Why Do We Die Without #Sleep?
> The reasons why sleep is so vital often hide in unexpected parts of the body, as host #StevenStrogatz discovers in conversations with researchers #DraganaRogulja and #AlexKeene.
#AlexKeene #DraganaRogulja #stevenstrogatz #sleep #TheJoyOfWhy #biology