Gizmodo: Invincible's Letting Atom Eve Take Center Stage With a Video Game #skyboundentertainment #thewalkingdead #charlieadlard #gillianjacobs #imagecomics #invincible #corywalker #stevenyeun #ryanottley #tonymoore #ubisoft #kirkman #rpg
#skyboundentertainment #thewalkingdead #charlieadlard #gillianjacobs #imagecomics #invincible #corywalker #stevenyeun #ryanottley #tonymoore #ubisoft #kirkman #rpg
Está passando na sua rua... o bonde da série Beef (Treta)! Já assistiu?
Ainda não? Então corre lá que ela deve ser indicada ao Emmy.
E sabe quem traduziu pra dublagem pro português? É, fui yo!
#Netflix #Beef #Séries #Emmy #GoldenGlobes #StevenYeun #AliWong
#netflix #beef #Series #emmy #goldenglobes #stevenyeun #aliwong
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Was Pedro Pascal & Steven Yeun's Interview Supposed to Be This Horny? #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #pedropascalstevenyeun #programminglanguages #jeremyallenwhite #jennifercoolidge #pedropascal #stevenyeun #pascal #steven #actors #saliva
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #pedropascalstevenyeun #programminglanguages #jeremyallenwhite #jennifercoolidge #pedropascal #stevenyeun #pascal #steven #actors #saliva
OFICIAL: En entrevista con #THR, #StevenYeun (#TheWalkingDead) CONFIRMÓ que interpretará a #Sentry dentro del #UCM. El poderoso personaje hará su debut cinematográfico en #Thunderbolts de #MarvelStudios 💥
#thr #stevenyeun #thewalkingdead #sentry #ucm #thunderbolts #marvelstudios
I just finished binge watching 'Beef'! I thought it was excellent. Has anyone else watched it?
#beef #aliwong #stevenyeun
Beef is so funny. What a great show. And amazing titles too with the use of sound.
#Beef #Sarofsky #GraphicDesign #LeeSungJin #Titles #SoundDesign #AliWong #StevenYeun
#stevenyeun #AliWong #sounddesign #titles #leesungjin #graphicdesign #sarofsky #beef
I’ve got nothing but side eye for everyone involved with this show now.
#StevenYeun, #AliWong and ‘#Beef’ Creator Say #DavidChoe Has ‘Put in the Work’ Since ‘Fabricated’ Rape Story
#stevenyeun #aliwong #beef #davidchoe
Just finished watching #beef on Netflix - brilliantly written dark dramedy, fresh, funny, and excellently performed by #AliWong and #stevenyeun ★★★★☆
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Ali Wong Finally Responds to David Choe's 'Rapey-y Behavior' Controversy #Jezebel #meechamwhitson #americanart #stevenyeun #visualarts #leesungjin #davidchoe #billhader #asaakira #aliwong #jezebel #twitter #artists
#jezebel #meechamwhitson #americanart #stevenyeun #visualarts #leesungjin #davidchoe #billhader #asaakira #aliwong #Twitter #artists
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Bill Hader, Ali Wong Put on Unusually Heavy PDA Show Amid ‘Beef’ Controversy #Jezebel #jezebelaudraheinrichs #audraheinrichs #entertainers #justinhakuta #california #stevenyeun #billhader #davidchoe #aliwong #netflix #actors #barry #wong
#jezebel #jezebelaudraheinrichs #audraheinrichs #entertainers #justinhakuta #california #stevenyeun #billhader #davidchoe #aliwong #netflix #actors #barry #wong
Recomendo a série #BeefNetflix. Uma americana de origem vietnamita-chinesa e um americano de origem sul-coreana entram numa treta (Treta é o nome em português para a série na Netflix) no meio do trânsito, e ela toma proporções inimagináveis. Com a atriz #AliWong e o indicado ao Oscar por melhor ator em Minari, #StevenYeun. Assistam dublado se quiserem ver a #tradução de minha autoria. A série me fez pensar muito em épocas da minha vida em que me senti mais sozinha e perdida.
#beefnetflix #aliwong #stevenyeun #traducao
NEW Rob’s MICKEY17 co-star in a recent interview:
"I like me some Robert Pattinson. I got to work with him on a film….Mickey 17, and I can't talk about it.”
Via yeunfilmsTwitter #film #cinema #stevenyeun #RobertPattinson #interview
#interview #RobertPattinson #stevenyeun #cinema #film
#Beef Be careful who you honk at or flip off. You might be in for a whole big mess.
#TVSeries #Review #DirectedbyWomen #AliWong #StevenYeun
#beef #tvseries #review #directedbywomen #aliwong #stevenyeun
In der Serie „BEEF“ geht es um zwei Streithähne, die sich ein einen „Beef“ verwickeln, der immer weiter eskaliert. In der vierten Staffel „LOL“ geht es wieder darum, wer zuletzt lacht und auch „Die Carolin Kebekus Show“ kommt mit einer neuen Staffel zurück.
#CarolinKebekus #JokoWinterscheidt #LateNightShow #Lol #StevenYeun #WasLäuftHeute
#carolinkebekus #jokowinterscheidt #latenightshow #lol #stevenyeun #waslauftheute
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Backlash to Simu Liu's Casting in 'Barbie,' Explained #Jezebel #chadwickboseman #humaninterest #charlesmelton #markwahlberg #margotrobbie #worldwideweb #mannyjacinto #danieldaekim #digitalmedia #ryangosling #harryshumjr #stevenyeun #backlash #websites #simuliu #issarae #barbie #reddit #mattel #chi
#jezebel #chadwickboseman #humaninterest #charlesmelton #markwahlberg #margotrobbie #worldwideweb #mannyjacinto #danieldaekim #DigitalMedia #ryangosling #harryshumjr #stevenyeun #backlash #websites #simuliu #issarae #barbie #reddit #mattel #CHI
TWD Glenn and Maggie (Sad Edit) #maggiegreene #glennrhee #thewalkingdead #laurencohan #stevenyeun
#maggiegreene #glennrhee #thewalkingdead #laurencohan #stevenyeun #ローレン・コーハン
#StevenYeun on #JakeSchreier ’s ' #Thunderbolts '
#マーベル 版「#スーサイドスクワッド」のアンチ・ #ヒーロー 大集合映画「#サンダーボルツ」への参戦を認めたスティーヴン・ユァンによれば…
#celeb #映画 #stevenyeun #JakeSchreier #Thunderbolts #マーベル #スーサイドスクワッド #ヒーロー #サンダーボルツ #movie