My "To Read" list is getting out of control... Halfway through "The Village Idiot" by Steve Stern- gorgeous book. Rereading Semiotext(e) SF (college favorite) and definitely main-lining Lanegan (no pun intended). #bookstodon #MarkLanegan #SteveStern #Semiotexte #byungchulhan #PattiSmith #nkjemisin #Crass #EmmaGoldman #michaelwtwitty #RevolutionaryYiddishland
#bookstodon #marklanegan #stevestern #semiotexte #byungchulhan #pattismith #nkjemisin #crass #emmagoldman #michaelwtwitty #revolutionaryyiddishland
I'd like to recommend the latest book by the brilliant Steve Stern, a fictional account of the life of painter Chaim Soutine. It is funny, poignant, intense and splendid. #bookstodon #JewishCulture #ChaimSoutine #SteveStern #MastodonBooks #Judaism #arthistory #Hanukka
#bookstodon #jewishculture #chaimsoutine #stevestern #mastodonbooks #judaism #arthistory #hanukka
Also: #JGBallard #NKJemisin #NoamChomky (though his take on Ukraine pisses me off) #SethTobocman #HowardZinn #ArundhatiRoy #SteveStern
#7authorstoknowme #robertmacfarlane #neilgaiman #ursulakleguin #chinamieville #franzkafka #octaviabutler #philipkdick #jgballard #nkjemisin #noamchomky #sethtobocman #howardzinn #arundhatiroy #stevestern