Who doesn't ship Redog (Red Fraggle and Sprocket the Dog) from The Muppets? #Muppets #RedFraggle #KarenPrell #SprockettheDog #SteveWhitmire
#muppets #redfraggle #karenprell #sprocketthedog #stevewhitmire
He's a 10 but he doesn't want Gonzo and Wembley Fraggle from The Muppets to get hitched. #Muppets #Gonzo #DaveGoelz #WembleyFraggle #SteveWhitmire
#muppets #gonzo #davegoelz #wembleyfraggle #stevewhitmire
When are Sam the Eagle and Rizzo the Rat from The Muppets going to cuddle already, right squad? #Muppets #SamtheEagle #FrankOz #RizzotheRat #SteveWhitmire
#muppets #samtheeagle #frankoz #RizzoTheRat #stevewhitmire
We stan Wembley Fraggle and Bobo the Bear from The Muppets. #Muppets #WembleyFraggle #SteveWhitmire #BobotheBear #BillBarretta
#muppets #wembleyfraggle #stevewhitmire #bobothebear #billbarretta