Sea level rise estimate climbs to $310 million; Key Biscayne weighs options :
The unanswered question: how much flooding will the Village Council tolerate?
#AECOM #AllisonMcCormick #BrettMoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #SteveWilliamson #stormwater #stormwater #targer #TomMcGowan #undergrounding
#Miami #news
#aecom #allisonmccormick #brettmoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #stevewilliamson #stormwater #targer #tommcgowan #undergrounding #miami #News
Union reaches deal with Key Biscayne :
pact that would raise wages 5.5% Oct. 1, add the Juneteenth holiday, and make improvements to training programs.
#bargaining #CollectiveBargaining #generalstaff #inflation #labor #Police #RichardWeiner #SteveWilliamson #union #VillageCouncil
#Miami #news
#bargaining #collectivebargaining #generalstaff #inflation #labor #Police #richardweiner #stevewilliamson #union #villagecouncil #miami #News
Key Biscayne offers unions 5.5% pay raise. Police say yes; Fire says no. :
“Our guys can’t afford Miami. We have guys still living with their parents,” said union president Eddie Blanco
#BenjaminNussbaum #Cola #contract #EricLang #inflation #labor #SteveWilliamson #union #VillageCouncil
#Miami #news
#benjaminnussbaum #cola #contract #ericlang #inflation #labor #stevewilliamson #union #villagecouncil #miami #News
Will Key Biscayne restart its sea level rise plan? Big vote Tuesday :
Is this a do-or-die moment for the infrastructure project?
#100Million #AECOM #ArmyCorpsofEngineers #Beach #biscaynebay #Black&Veatch #drainage #EdLondon #FernandoVazquez #Miami #resiliencybond #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #shoreline #SteveWilliamson #stormwater #undergrounding
#Miami #news
#100million #aecom #armycorpsofengineers #beach #biscaynebay #black #drainage #edlondon #fernandovazquez #miami #resiliencybond #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #shoreline #stevewilliamson #stormwater #undergrounding #News
New public works chief as Key Biscayne eyes major projects :
Cairo Cangas has been hired as Key Biscayne's new public works director. He will oversee a $250 million set of planned projects to fight sea level rise.
#ADAEngineering #AECOM #CairoCangas #flooding #Infastructure #JakeOzyman #KeyBiscayne #publicworks #SeaWall #SteveWilliamson
#Miami #news
#adaengineering #aecom #cairocangas #flooding #infastructure #jakeozyman #keybiscayne #publicworks #seawall #stevewilliamson #miami #News
Council members oppose plan to strengthen Key Biscayne’s seawalls :
The proposal has roiled owners of Key Biscayne’s priciest homes, as it could double the height of many existing seawalls.
#ArmyCorpsofEngineers #BackBayStudy #biscaynebay #BrettMoss #CarlosdelaCruz #EdLondon #FernandoVazquez #MoffatandNichol #NOAA #resiliency #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #SteveWilliamson #stormwat
#armycorpsofengineers #backbaystudy #biscaynebay #brettmoss #carlosdelacruz #edlondon #fernandovazquez #moffatandnichol #noaa #resiliency #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #stevewilliamson #stormwat
Lopez: Growing will in Tallahassee to regulate e-bikes, electronic scooters :
#AlexisCalatyud #CrandonBoulevard #DrJoelRudman #ebike #escooter #JoeRasco #Legislature #RepCyndiStevenson #safety #SteveWilliamson #traffic #VickiLopez
#Miami #news
#alexiscalatyud #crandonboulevard #drjoelrudman #ebike #escooter #joerasco #legislature #repcyndistevenson #safety #stevewilliamson #traffic #vickilopez #miami #News
Key Biscayne slams brakes on $250 million infrastructure project :
Moss seemed willing to unravel the whole plan, questioning the “dig once” strategy, saying that “this is stuff I lose sleep over.
#A #AECOM #ArmyCorpsofEngineers #AtlanticOcean #biscaynebay #Black&Veatch #BrettMoss #FernandoVazquez #K8basin #K8basin #resiliency #resiliencybond #sealevelrise #SteveWilliamson
#Miami #new
#a #aecom #armycorpsofengineers #atlanticocean #biscaynebay #black #brettmoss #fernandovazquez #k8basin #resiliency #resiliencybond #sealevelrise #stevewilliamson #miami #new
Crash street flooding project on Council agenda :
#AlexisCalatayud #Budget #ChadFriedman #drainage #flooding #HB718 #K8basin #MetroExpress #referendum #RonDesantis #sealevelrise #SteveWilliamson #veto #VickiLopez
#Miami #news
#alexiscalatayud #budget #chadfriedman #drainage #flooding #hb718 #k8basin #metroexpress #referendum #rondesantis #sealevelrise #stevewilliamson #veto #vickilopez #miami #News