本日9/7 朝8:00~オトメディウスX(エクセレント!)です。
#レトロゲーム #stg #ゲーム配信者 #おはようvutber
Cube Quest is really neat- it uses a laserdisc player to stream in animated backgrounds, lending some *really* awesome visuals for a game of its era (even if they aren't real-time). However, the 3D visuals in the game *are* real-time, and, if Wikipedia is to be believed, this is the *the first* video game to use real-time 3D graphics (if not that, at least one of the earliest).
#RetroGaming #Arcade #Shmup #STG #Psychedelic #3D #DinoRetroGaming
#retrogaming #arcade #shmup #stg #psychedelic #3d #dinoretrogaming
OMG how could I forget to mention this?? Whenever you start a new game in Darius II, you get this funny voiceover, which ends with the iconic line "I always wanted a thing called tuna sashimi!"
#retrogaming #arcade #taito #shmup #stg #dinoretrogaming
As a fun aside, if you're curious about how the Darius cabinets were able to have seamless multi-CRT playfields (without the blank space necessarily introduced by the borders of the CRT), it was accomplished by having the center CRT facing the player, and the left and right CRTs rotated 90 deg *below* the display (facing upward), and using a mirror to reflect their images at the player. You can see something similar to this in the Konami X-Men arcade game (although that uses 2 CRTs). Pretty neat!
#retrogaming #arcade #taito #shmup #stg #dinoretrogaming
Darius II continues the first game's trend of using multiple CRT displays to create a super-wide playfield. Unlike the first game, though, Darius II had both 3-screen and 2-screen versions (I've only ever played the latter).
#retrogaming #arcade #taito #shmup #stg #dinoretrogaming
Finally, we have a date!
Exerion might appear as Yet Another Space Shooter, but it has an interesting trick up its sleeve- a clever way of representing depth as the player flies into the screen. As you can see from the gifs, color bands get "thicker" as they travel towards the screen, alongside sprites that move over the "horizon" (the farthest band) and scroll towards the screen as well. Pretty neat!
#retrogaming #arcade #jaleco #shmup #stg #dinoretrogaming
Exerion (1983)
By Jaleco [Arcade]
[These gifs are from a vertical display- please click to expand]
#retrogaming #arcade #jaleco #shmup #stg #dinoretrogaming
The first Darius is perhaps most noteworthy for its massive aspect ratio; using three monitors, it creates an extremely-panoramic gameplay experience. (latter picture credit @/DominicTarason from bird site)
#retrogaming #arcade #taito #shmup #stg #dinoarcade
Darius is the first title in the long-running Taito STG series of the same name. The series is iconic for featuring lots of aquatic/marine life as the basis of its enemies and bosss (see the giant robotic octopus in the second gif).
#retrogaming #arcade #taito #shmup #stg #dinoarcade
#vtuber #stg #ガンフロンティア #レトロゲーム
Gun Force II (1994)
By Irem [Arcade]
#RetroGaming #Arcade #Irem #NazcaCorporation #MetalSlug #Shmup #STG #RunAndGun #DinoRetroGaming
#retrogaming #arcade #irem #nazcacorporation #metalslug #shmup #stg #runandgun #dinoretrogaming
Metal Black is a Taito shmup reminds of Darius Gaiden in a lot of ways, in particular its psychedelic visuals. It's unique in that it doesn't have traditional weapon upgrades- rather, you upgrade your sole laser beam weapon, which allows you unleash huge laser blasts. Bosses also have their own laser weapons, which can cause really neat "laser duels" if your weapons clash.
#retrogaming #arcade #taito #shmup #stg #dinoretrogaming
Metal Black (1991)
By Taito [Arcade]
#retrogaming #arcade #taito #shmup #stg #dinoretrogaming
My brother and I made a small wizard-themed caravan shooter for PAL AGA Amigas:
I wrote a pretty long and personal post about the events leading up to me starting to work on my current project.
#gamedev #indiedev #stg #shmup #metroidvania
#gamedev #indiedev #stg #shmup #metroidvania
New arrival. One of the best games ever made: Angry Leader Bee Great Resurrection (Dodonpachi DaiFukkatsu/Dodonpachi Resurrection). #CAVE #shmup #STG #ShareYourGames
#cave #shmup #stg #shareyourgames
¡Tenemos un nuevo video en el canal de #Youtube!
7 Shoot'em ups que la rompieron en los 90, por lo que la cosa estará llena de navecitas y marcianitos
⭐🔄que ayudan un montón🐼
#videojuegos #retrogaming #juegos #shootemup #stg #videojuegosretro
#YouTube #videojuegos #retrogaming #juegos #shootemup #stg #videojuegosretro