Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
136 followers · 181 posts · Server

It's one thing to wonder how your physical and mental health might deteriorate as you age.
It's quite another thing to know.

For two years I've been unbreakable, but today it broke me. has turned me into a human without hope in just under two years.
I don't want this life.
I'm stuck in it and I'll make the most of each moment, but I'll wake up every morning for the rest of my life disappointed that I did.


Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
139 followers · 185 posts · Server

It's one thing to wonder how your physical and mental health might deteriorate as you age.
It's quite another thing to know.

For two years I've been unbreakable, but today it broke me. has turned me into a human without hope in just under two years.
I don't want this life.
I'm stuck in it and I'll make the most of each moment, but I'll wake up every morning for the rest of my life disappointed that I did.


Last updated 2 years ago

Father diagnosed with same one-in-a-million condition as Celine Dion unable to hug family | The Independent

The rare, progressive neurological disorder causes stiff muscles in the torso, arms and legs


Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
132 followers · 169 posts · Server

This is #21 of what I call "Good Juice Day", and the last for 2022.

It's IVIG for this of you who don't know (intra-venous immunoglobulin).

I made cookies 🍪 and rocky road 🍫 for my wonderful 👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️.
If I could do the same for all the people who donate whole blood or , I would.
THANK YOU if you are one of those superheroes 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️
And if you're not but you've considered it, please know that I have a pretty darn awesome life - despite the odds - because of this treatment, and I'm just one person.
Imagine the difference you can make to thousands!
Much love 🤗❤😀

#nurses #plasma #blooddonor #donation #stiffpersonsyndrome #raredisease #ivig #grateful #gratitude #thankyou

Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
126 followers · 160 posts · Server

Having a that everyone iss suddenly talking about has been... an experience.

At first I thought it would be good - and I'm sure it is - for exposure and
But it's really awful to see theories and jokes I'd previously been protected from because nobody had ever heard of this .

This is what I've read:

1. is being punished by God because she supports
2. It's a vaccine injury. Of course 🙄
3. "This is the difference between people who accept getting old and people who whinge about it and give it a name". This one hurts.
4. "Hopefully it attacks her throat muscles sooner rather than later and she stops singing"

There's also been a lot of "news" sites insinuate that she's going to die because she has

To be honest, for today, I liked it better when nobody was talking about it. I feel and .

I hope Celine and other people recently diagnosed are protected from reading this shit.

#raredisease #awareness #disability #celinedion #transkids #stiffpersonsyndrome #sad #deflated #disabilityawareness #SPS #support #sunday #chronicillness

Last updated 2 years ago

BOOM FactCheck · @boomlive
114 followers · 352 posts · Server

French-Canadian singer said she was diagnosed with called , a rare neurological condition.

to know more ⬇️

#watch #stiffpersonsyndrome #celinedion

Last updated 2 years ago

BOOM FactCheck · @boomlive
114 followers · 340 posts · Server

| French-Canadian singer , in an emotional video on Instagram, announced the rescheduling of her Spring 2023 shows to 2024. The singer said she was diagnosed with called , a rare neurological condition.

Edited by:

#stiffpersonsyndrome #celinedion #watch

Last updated 2 years ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
537 followers · 213 posts · Server
Mewe 香港娛樂 · @hkentertainment
43 followers · 434 posts · Server

天后級歌手Celine Dion
無法如常唱歌 押後明年歐洲巡唱

請支持娛壹Patreon |  |


#MEWE香港娛樂 #娛壹 #stiffpersonsyndrome #僵硬人症候群 #celinedion

Last updated 2 years ago

Teary Celine Dion cancels 2023 tour as she reveals rare medical diagnosis (We love you Celine!)

#news #celinediontourcancelled #stiffpersonsyndrome #celinedion

Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
126 followers · 160 posts · Server

I never thought I'd have something in common with but here we are.

My best wishes to her as she deals with what this means for her life. It's tough.

Perhaps a silver lining is that nobody ever knows or talks about our , and now everybody will be.

Please if you have any
I'm that there are discussions about it. Being 1 in a million can be pretty .

Celine Dion diagnosed with rare Stiff Person Syndrome as she cancels 2023 tour dates - ABC News

#celinedion #disability #askme #questions #excited #lonely #stiffpersonsyndrome #disabilityawareness #gratitude #news

Last updated 2 years ago

NBC News RSS · @nbcnewsrss
136 followers · 444 posts · Server

Celine Dion reveals stiff-person syndrome diagnosis


#celinedion #singer #stiffpersonsyndrome

Last updated 2 years ago


Stiff Person Syndrome Support Group and Charity. | United Kingdom

Raising Awareness


Last updated 2 years ago

Marjorie H Morgan · @MarjorieMorgan
308 followers · 672 posts · Server

Celine Dion, 54, is diagnosed with incurable neurological disease: Tearful singer reveals she has rare one-in-a-million 'Stiff Person Syndrome' that turns sufferers into 'human statues'

#celinedion #stiffpersonsyndrome #disabilitieshappentoanyoneanytime

Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
126 followers · 160 posts · Server

After almost two years, my renovation is complete and in 3 weeks it's time to go

I'm so, so . The day I moved here - March 25th 2021 - I was officially diagnosed with . I almost lost my life 2 months later.

Now I'm a different person to the go-getter who packed up and moved all on her own.
Now I'm so anxious about that I just wandered around for an hour looking at things. Picking them up and putting them back down. Opening cupboards and staring. Moving empty boxes from one room to another.

How do I do this?
What can make this not only easier, but possible?

#home #anxious #stiffpersonsyndrome #packing #help #moving #support #disabilityawareness #disability #anxiety #lost

Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
122 followers · 137 posts · Server

Last week some people on a support group for my came at me for saying I refuse to be miserable, that I choose not to give up because there's a long road ahead.

They said things like, "One day you'll know how bad it feels",

"you'll wake up every day and wish you weren't alive",

"this disease with tear you down and wear you into the ground"

"I used to be like you but you'll find out soon enough".

That I was disgusting and disrespectful for being and .

Honestly. 😮

It did break me for a day or two, but I left the group immediately and don't regret it. Better to be alone if that's what looks like.

I'm not going to choose to be a .

I am done with people disability.
It's embarrassing, unhelpful, and cringy.

✋🛑STOP IT 🛑✋

#facebook #disability #positive #optimistic #wtf #support #victim #gatekeeping #disabilityawareness #stiffpersonsyndrome

Last updated 2 years ago

I created this for my birthday but I wanted to keep it going. It's to raise money for a known as The Stiff Person Syndrome Research Foundation. My story is in the Gofundme but it's a rare, highly underfunded and under researched terminal neurological disease. Even if it's just a or $1, anything counts to helping those like me with this disease for a brighter future!

#boost #stiffpersonsyndrome #charity #gofundme

Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
87 followers · 50 posts · Server

post! 🦓

I am and if you're interested in , shit, and , here comes some brain food 🧠

I already did an post, but here's one introducing my .
I'm the only person (it seems) to have ever mentioned it on Mastodon.

I challenge you to find a worse disease with a more ridiculous name than 😂

Because nobody has heard of this disease, I ask people to imagine , a baby. That's what it is like.

It is a , usually caused by antibodies which attack the protein in the central nervous system.
The antibodies are usually associated with and diabetes.

include extreme muscle stiffness, rigidity and painful spasms, tremors, shakes, weakness, and cramps which can generate enough force to fracture bones. Mine are not this bad and I hope they never will be.

Those of us with have heightened sensitivity to noise, sudden movements, and emotional distress, which can set off spasms and pain.

I'm only 40 and it's been almost 2 years since I was diagnosed.
I try to stay pretty because I don't see any other choice. I still try to stay and so the things I , even though the consequence is always pain.

is key to life.

Use it my . Use it because you never know when you may lose it ❤

#disabilityawareness #oneinamillion #weird #rare #neurology #neuroscience #introduction #disability #stiffpersonsyndrome #ms #parkinand #mndhad #neuromuscular #autoimmune #disease #gad #gaba #t1 #lada #symptoms #SPS #muscle #positive #active #love #movement #friends

Last updated 2 years ago

Carly Pops 🍓 · @carlwhyz
87 followers · 50 posts · Server

post! 🦓
I already did an post, but here's one introducing my .
I'm the only person (it seems) to have ever mentioned it on Mastodon.
I am and I'd you're interested in , shit, here comes some brain food 🧠

I challenge you to find a worse disease with a more ridiculous name than 😂

It is a , usually caused by antibodies which attack the protein in the central nervous system.
The antibodies are associated with and diabetes.

include extreme muscle stiffness, rigidity and painful spasms, whoch can generate enough force to fracture bone.

Those of us with have heightened sensitivity to noise, sudden movements, and emotional distress, which can set off muscle spasms and pain.

I won't lie, most people in this community are older, miserable, and negative. I'm only 40 and it's been almost 2 years since I was diagnosed.
I try to stay pretty positive because I don't see any choice.

is key to life.
Use it my friends. Use it because you never know when you may lose it ❤

#disabilityawareness #introduction #disability #oneinamillion #weird #rare #stiffpersonsyndrome #neuromuscular #autoimmune #disease #gad #gaba #t1 #lada #symptoms #SPS #movement

Last updated 2 years ago