…as well as the semiconductor value chain process steps that most startups engage in.

This analysis should help decision makers to gain a clearer picture on what is happening in terms of investment in the industry.

The study is a collaboration between our geopolitics and our data science units and created with the help of JP Kleinhans & Pegah Maham.

#semiconductor #snv #stiftungneueverantwortung #techpolicy #EUPolicy #EUTech

Last updated 1 year ago

I am very happy to announce that from today on I will join the communications team of

as events and community manager. I am looking forward to this new adventure!

In eigener Sache: ab heute werde ich das Kommunikationsteam von

als Events und Community Manager unterstützen. Ich freue mich sehr auf die neuen Erfahrungen und Möglichkeiten!

#stiftungneueverantwortung #snv

Last updated 2 years ago