Why did #ZeroCovid come to an abrupt end in #China? Why has China been resistant to global mRNA vaccines? Panelists Chang-Tai Hsieh (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business), Joan Kaufman (Schwarzman Scholars / Harvard Medical School), and Nian Liu (Financial Times), at our #StiglerChinaSeries discussed anti-Chinese sentiment, the labor force, economy, protests, the impact of the last 3 years, and more.
#zeroCovid #china #stiglerchinaseries
NEW: Announcing the next event in our #StiglerChinaSeries:
Join us for a conversation with Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago Booth School of Business) and Joan Kaufman (Schwarzman Scholars/Harvard Medical School), moderated by Nian Liu (Financial Times #StiglerJIR 2021).
RSVP: https://chicagoboothgroup.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NlO_cOXMT9KPpxXCwrC4cg
#stiglerchinaseries #stiglerjir