đ„ Hetzerische Schlagzeilen ĂŒber PĂ€dophilie #35 đ„
Noch so ein Fall von âDrive-By-Beleidigungenâ. Seidls Film kann nicht einfach nur von PĂ€dophilie handeln, nein, es muss um âkrankhaftes Begehrenâ gehen, oder wie hier um die âGrenzen des Zumutbarenâ.
Gleichzeitig wird PĂ€dophilie und Zoophilie in einem Atemzug mit Rechtsextremismus genannt und auf eine Stufe gestellt.
#stigma #sparta #padophobie #zoophobie
đ„ Hetzerische Schlagzeilen ĂŒber PĂ€dophilie #34 đ„
âPĂ€dophile und andere Kriminelleâ
âĄïž https://kurier.at/chronik/oesterreich/kindesmissbrauch-anonym-darknet-kriminell/402584714
Die #Kronen-Zeitung gibt im Namen der âAusgewogenheitâ der menschenverachtenden Forderung nach âLebenslange[r] Haft fĂŒr PĂ€dophileâ eine BĂŒhne, ohne diese einzuordnen.
Selbst Teichtmeisters Anwalt ĂŒberlegt, ob die Welt ein besserer Ort sein könnte, wenn âPĂ€dophile ins GefĂ€ngnisâ kommen. Damit werden nicht nur PĂ€dophile pauschal kriminalisiert, sondern auch bei Straftaten nicht die Tat, sondern die (vermutete) PĂ€dophilie als das eigentlich Schlimme dargestellt.
Als Bonus darf Carsten Stahl auch noch zu Wort kommen, der in âpĂ€dophilen Forenâ gelesen hat, dass das Urteil gefeiert wird und daraus ableitet, dass es ein schlechtes Urteil ist.
You can't talk about Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM) without mentioning ME/CFS. The term PEM was created to describe the unique manifestation occurring in people with ME/CFS.
If you separate PEM from its history and origin, you perpetuate the stigma surrounding ME/CFS. We need visibility and spread of knowledge.
#MECFS #Stigma #pwME #MedMastodon #MedEd #HistMed #HistoryOfMedicine #Medicine #PEM #PostExertionalMalaise @mecfs @historyofmedicine
#postexertionalmalaise #pem #medicine #historyofmedicine #histmed #meded #MedMastodon #pwme #stigma #mecfs
You can't talk about Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM) without mentioning ME/CFS. The term PEM was created to describe the unique manifestation occurring in people with ME/CFS.
If you separate PEM from its history and origin, you perpetuate the stigma surrounding ME/CFS. We need visibility and spread of knowledge.
#MECFS #Stigma #pwME #MedMastodon #MedEd #HistoryOfMedicine #PEM #PostExertionalMalaise @mecfs @historyofmedicine
#postexertionalmalaise #pem #historyofmedicine #meded #MedMastodon #pwme #stigma #mecfs
Die #StarTrekEnterprise -Folge #Stigma ist spannend, weil der erste Handlungsstrang ernst ist und indirekt die Ausgrenzung von HIV-Erkrankten thematisiert, wĂ€hrend der zweite Handlungsstrang gleichzeitig amĂŒsant eine lockerere Sexualmoral prĂ€sentiert.
COMUNICATO IN MERITO ALLA SCANDALOSA E INACCETTABILE SENTENZA DI PALERMO CONTRO LA DONNA VITTIMA DI TRATTA https://ombrerosse.noblogs.org/post/2023/09/04/comunicato-in-merito-alla-scandalosa-e-inaccettabile-sentenza-di-palermo-contro-la-donna-vittima-di-tratta/ #Patriarcato #Comunicato #Femminismi #Narrazioni #Razzismo #General #Sexwork #Stigma
#patriarcato #comunicato #femminismi #narrazioni #razzismo #general #sexwork #stigma
Esorcismo: la legge tutela donne e bambini da un rito anacronistico? https://abbattoimuri.wordpress.com/2023/08/29/esorcismo-la-legge-tutela-donne-e-bambini-da-un-rito-anacronistico/ #Autodeterminazione #CulturaPatriarcale #Antiautoritarismo #Criticafemminista #Demonizzazione #AbusisuMinori #Antisessismo #R-Esistenze #Stereotipi #Controllo #Esorcismo #Moralismo #Sessismo #Diritti #Stigma #Stupro #Corpi #Fede
#autodeterminazione #culturapatriarcale #antiautoritarismo #criticafemminista #Demonizzazione #abusisuminori #antisessismo #r #stereotipi #controllo #esorcismo #moralismo #sessismo #diritti #stigma #stupro #corpi #fede
I should mention -
I used the term "drug posioning" instead of overdose intentionally.
Due to stigma, it is wrongfully assumed that drug "overdoses" take place at the fault of the person who uses drugs.
In reality, it is because of the unregulated drug supply.
Advocates refer to this as a drug poisoning because the contents and/ strength does not align with what was intended.
#DrugPoisioning #DrugPolicy #WarOnDrugs #Stigma #PeopleWhoUseDrugs
#drugpoisioning #drugpolicy #warondrugs #stigma #peoplewhousedrugs
We were probably already off to a rocky start because he knew I was diagnosed with ME/CFS. Many neurologists seem to dislike that. They turn down referrals.
And I had told him my muscle weakness could set in after only 200 metres. He didn't try to hide his disbelief.
#pwME @mecfs #MedMastodon #MECFS #Stigma #MedicalGaslighting #Neurology
#neurology #medicalgaslighting #stigma #mecfs #MedMastodon #pwme
#NHS told to stop blaming ME patients for being ill and improve care
#nhs #stigma #myalgicencephalomyelitis
For more about deviance, take a look at a study of the link between tattoos and deviant behaviors in an article by Jerome R. Koch and Kevin D. Dougherty.
#sociology #quantitativeResearch #newresearch #stigma #tattoo #religious #deviance
#deviance #religious #tattoo #stigma #newresearch #Quantitativeresearch #sociology
In a recent quantitative study, Thomas J. Mowen and Amanda Heitkamp explore the connection between stigma about looks and deviant behavior.
#sociology #attractiveness #quantitativeResearch #newresearch #deviance #stigma
#stigma #deviance #newresearch #Quantitativeresearch #attractiveness #sociology
The Power of #SafeReporting on #MentalHealth
More than 12 million #Americans experienced #suicidalthoughts in 2021. For #Black folks, reducing the #stigma can help those #sufferinginsilence work towards #healing.
#safereporting #mentalhealth #americans #suicidalthoughts #black #stigma #SufferinginSilence #healing
Wenn Menschen mich wegen Psoriasis schief angucken. Ich hasse es und deshalb noch einmal: Psoriasis ist nicht ansteckend. #Psoriasis #Stigma #EndtheStigma
#psoriasis #stigma #endthestigma
Red Raisin F5 showing off the pink coloured stigmas
#marimoko #cannabis #marijuana #redraisin #pink #stigma #outdoor #medicine #canada
#marimoko #cannabis #marijuana #redraisin #pink #stigma #outdoor #medicine #canada
Denying that #obesity is a real #health concern for many people serves to deny their right to seek care for it. Fighting weight #stigma does not require a false narrative about the pathophysiology of obesity.
"La reazione di #LaRussa alle accuse di stupro nei confronti del figlio mostra quanto ancora pesi sulle donne lo stigma per il loro comportamento sessuale."
#Misoginia #stigma #patriarcato #donne #Italia2023 #11luglio
#larussa #misoginia #stigma #patriarcato #donne #Italia2023 #11luglio
Two therapies for #SleepApnea in obesity:
One gives symptomatic relief.
The other does that and also prevents death.
Except for unwarranted #stigma, we would expect preference for the latter, #MetabolicSurgery.
New data from #ASMBS2023.
#SleepApnea #stigma #metabolicsurgery #asmbs2023
How sugar became the scapegoat for societyâs ills â from austerity to the cost of living crisis | Karen Throsby | The Guardian
#sugar #scapegoat #obesity #AntiObesityPolicy #austerity #costoflivingcrisis #bodyshaming #WeightShaming #BenefitsClaimants #SugarTax #AntiPoorHate #Widdecombe #ObesityHealthAlliance #stigma #AvoidingHealthcare #healthcare #misogyny #sexism #women #poverty #Ultraprocessedfoods #inequality