As many of you know, I'm working on a game called Stiletto, which is a #TTRPG about big dreams, small minds, and desperate actions in Lupino, a decadent fantasy city inspired by Renaissance Napoli, Elizabethan London, Ankh-Morpork, and New Crobuzon.
Something which features heavily in the game is the tarrochi (tarot), and as a result I've been thinking about symbolism a lot recently. 1/2
@mattkay you are welcome. I’m fan of History and mainly on middle age. Reading #YearZeroMini and #stilettorpg made me decide to rely on these systems for my game (wip) #ChroniquesSaxonnes (based on Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories series of novels)
#yearzeromini #stilettorpg #ChroniquesSaxonnes
#bilanroliste 2022 (1/2)
1️⃣ le jeu le plus joué : Libreté (15 sessions)
2️⃣ dernière partie de 2022: Libreté
3️⃣ Une qualité acquise grâce au JdR: l’écoute
4️⃣ Le projet à suivre en 2023 : #Stilettorpg de @mattkay
5️⃣ Le jeu coup de coeur de 2022 : à la lecture Year Zero Mini et Le Fer et le Froid… objectif 2023: les jouer.
17. The #TTRPG I'm most looking forward to in 2023 is my own #StilettoRPG, which should be crowdfunding next year. If I have to pick a game that I'm not involved in, it would be a toss-up between #BladeRunnerRPG, #TheWalkingDeadRPG, and #Mothership 1e.
#ttrpg #stilettorpg #BladeRunnerRPG #thewalkingdeadrpg #mothership #gtkm
Games I've run or played this year:
#WFRP 1e
#StilettoRPG (my own upcoming game)
#TheOneRing 2e
#YearZeroMini (my own system)
You can see the full list of every #TTRPG I've played on this spreadsheet:
#WFRP #MutantYearZero #stilettorpg #tartarusgate #theonering #Vaesen #NightsBlackAgents #ironsworn #starforged #yearzeromini #AlienRPG #ttrpg