When will the posse of other candidates stay in their lane? They think they'll convince, sway or bully us into disloyalty. They bounce from candidate to candidate, not a lick of conviction or interest on policy. Their unity is a lie.
#bernieorbust #stillbernin #notmeus
Do NOT ask me if I care about the hype and drama pissed away on Bernie/Cenk bullshit...
Because... IDGAF, it is irrelevant to me.
May we all live in peace, always
Just a slightly-crisp reminder 2b harmoniously thankful 4 something. Appreciate, be considerate, love & laugh with passion, respect nature, show care & practice random acts of kindness ☮️ #NotMeUs
#StillBernin #OnlyBernieBeatsTrump
#onlyberniebeatstrump #stillbernin #notmeus
#Bernie2020 #StillBernin #StillSanders #BernieIsBack
#FightFor15 #BernieYellsForUs #BernieOrBust
RT @fightfor15@twitter.com
For America’s working poor, an often essential ingredient for getting and keeping a job – having a car – has rarely been more costly
#FightFor15 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-usa-used-analysis-idUSKBN1WQ1AP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fightfor15/status/1183517890269630466
#bernieorbust #bernieyellsforus #fightfor15 #BernieIsBack #stillsanders #stillbernin #Bernie2020