When will the posse of other candidates stay in their lane? They think they'll convince, sway or bully us into disloyalty. They bounce from candidate to candidate, not a lick of conviction or interest on policy. Their unity is a lie.


#bernieorbust #stillbernin #notmeus

Last updated 5 years ago

Do NOT ask me if I care about the hype and drama pissed away on Bernie/Cenk bullshit...
Because... IDGAF, it is irrelevant to me.


Last updated 5 years ago

May we all live in peace, always

Just a slightly-crisp reminder 2b harmoniously thankful 4 something. Appreciate, be considerate, love & laugh with passion, respect nature, show care & practice random acts of kindness ☮️

#onlyberniebeatstrump #stillbernin #notmeus

Last updated 5 years ago