Hill repeats workout today. Felt strong despite the humidity. I truly love running and am so glad I stay with it through the ups and downs.
#RunningForMentalHealth #StillIRunCommunity #HackersForMentalHealth
#runningformentalhealth #stilliruncommunity #hackersformentalhealth
I was getting maybe one green recovery a week. Despite going to bed early and doing what I could to help my rest. So this past week I decided to try something different. What if ran a little more frequently, and says I didn’t run, I still went out for a walk and got some good movement in.
Well, the results have been ASTOUNDING!
#roguerunning #atxrunners #stilliruncommunity #hackersformentalhealth
#roguerunning #atxrunners #stilliruncommunity #hackersformentalhealth
It always feels amazing when I’m at my best, sleeping well, recovering well, running well, and generally making a lot of great choices.
It doesn’t always look like this. And I’d almost say this is the exception, but I keep working at it one day at a time.
#StillIRunCommunity #HackersForMentalHealth #MentalHealthMatters
#stilliruncommunity #hackersformentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters