@yassie_j Wow I am fascinated by the compare/contrast aspect of this with the US. Here we do not pay royalties per-lend. Do you have Libby there or do you have the old Overdrive app? I am #StillMad that they sunsetted the Overdrive app here. Some people like to read ebooks on their laptops!
@edsu @fskornia Yes! It used to be a different 511 page for VT and one for NH and I am #StillMad that they combined it. Plus there's no way to tweak the sidebar and zoom level so you can't, say, send out a link to someone that is just zoomed in on their county with road closures but not weather (or with both). But yeah it's pretty good.
Eat Choco Tacos
#HashtagGames #StillMad
#stillmad #HashtagGames #thingsweusedtodobutdontnow
"The [NLRB] ruled Tuesday that employers can no longer demand laid-off employees avoid publicly disparaging the company as part of their severance agreements, nor can they stop affected employees from disclosing the terms of their exit packages."
This could have revealed the true depth of F+W's financial problems in 2018 that ended in bankruptcy the following year and warned the staff and many freelancers who eventually got screwed over. π‘