anyone else that is struggling like me to make lists here is a pretty good link about it inc in the comments talk about the future direction for them
any helpful tips i would love. i get the basic concept but i cant seem to get it to be a simple process to add and save accounts.
#list #mastodonsuggestions #organizing #help #stillnewhere
"At the Dollar Tree, most items are now $1.25. So remember that inflation is everywhere. I speak for the trees." - The Lorax, December 2022 #notarealquote #dowehashtagonmastodon #stillnewhere
#dowehashtagonmastodon #stillnewhere #notarealquote
This, from T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets, is always very true for me as each year passes: "the pattern more complicated of dead and living" as is "love is most nearly itself when here and now cease to matter. Would love to hear your thoughts. Contemplating a thing. Trying to be brave. (Don't really know how to use Mastodon.) #stillnewhere #nowhere #writitng #theatre #poetry #beauty
#stillnewhere #nowhere #writitng #theatre #poetry #beauty
#Help What tool do you use to find people you know from the bird site and elsewhere. Have found some - and some brilliant new people - but would love to find more. #Nowhere #StillNewHere
#Help What tool do you use to find people you know from the bird site and elsewhere. Have found some - and some brilliant new people - but would love to find more. #Nowhere #StillNewHere
I've had a go with PeerTube and that was fun. I think I'll have a go with Funkwhale this weekend (not that I use spotify tbh!)
#exploringthefediverse #stillnewhere
Another Iceland pic. Trying to get used to this interface here. #photography #stillnewhere #iceland #rainbowsandsunshine
#photography #stillnewhere #iceland #rainbowsandsunshine