Drug companies brace for chairman Bernie
by Peter Sullivan, January 30, 2023
"Sen. #BernieSanders has long made no secret that he thinks drug companies and health insurers are ripping off Americans. But now he's chairman of the Senate health committee."
#BigPharma #StillSanders #GetMoneyOut
Read more:
#berniesanders #bigpharma #stillsanders #GetMoneyOut
#StillSanders #TheTimeIsNow #iLikeBernie
How Bernie Sanders Won | Very Important Docs²⁸
#stillsanders #thetimeisnow #ILikeBernie
RT @AC_Monroe@twitter.com
Every #DemDebate I watch reminds me just how bright @BernieSanders@twitter.com shines compared to all those Neo-Libs/Republicans on stage with him. He is the truth. He is the revolution. He is the only one who will fundamentally change our lives for the better. That’s why I’m #StillSanders!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AC_Monroe/status/1207867595787055104
RT @germanbini@twitter.com
#OnlyBernie #Bernie2020 #StillSanders Thank you @MarkRuffalo@twitter.com https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1195446876335726602
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/germanbini/status/1195453602715844608
#stillsanders #Bernie2020 #onlybernie
#UnionStrong #HesWithUS
RT @BernieSanders@twitter.com
The ideas I am talking to you about didn't come to me yesterday. These are ideas that I have fought for my entire life.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1189243177678585857
#bernieorbust #onlyberniebeatstrump #VotingRecordsMatter #notmeus #heswithus #unionstrong #berniesanders2020 #BernieCantBeBought #integrity #Consistent #stillbernie #stillsanders
#Bernie2020 #StillBernin #StillSanders #BernieIsBack
#FightFor15 #BernieYellsForUs #BernieOrBust
RT @fightfor15@twitter.com
For America’s working poor, an often essential ingredient for getting and keeping a job – having a car – has rarely been more costly
#FightFor15 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-usa-used-analysis-idUSKBN1WQ1AP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fightfor15/status/1183517890269630466
#bernieorbust #bernieyellsforus #fightfor15 #BernieIsBack #stillsanders #stillbernin #Bernie2020
@NPR@innerwebs.social We got robbed in 2016, but the most popular dude is still winning in his home state and Dem Socialists/Progressives are still winning across the country, regardless of what the DNC wants. #Grassroots #EatTheRich
#StillSanders #StillBernie #BWHW
#dsa #bwhw #stillbernie #stillsanders #unhackthevote #EatTheRich #grassroots
Humble Hero: #BernieSanders Saves Woman From Traffic, Keeps Quiet About It
Senator Sanders apparently believes that a good deed is its OWN reward, as he helped save a woman from oncoming traffic & didn’t tell anyone, not even his staffers.
Currotto, who gets around by wheelchair, told the DCist website that the incident occurred a few blocks from Capitol Hill in an area with a “confusing” intersection.
#StillSanders #BWHW #DSA
#NeverHillary #NeverTrump
#BernieSanders #Revolution #nevertrump #neverhillary #dsa #bwhw #stillsanders
Bernie Sanders refers to Amazon’s $15-an-hour wage as ‘shot heard round the world’
U.S.’s second largest employer’s announcement on Tuesday that it is raising the minimum wage for ALL U.S. workers to $15 an hour:
‘What Mr. Bezos has done today is not only enormously important for Amazon’s 100s of 1000s of employees, it could well be, and I think it will be, a shot heard around the world.’
Bernie Sanders
#bernitdown #bwhw #thanksbernie #stillsanders
Sanders Introduces Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies (Stop BEZOS) Act—
Bernie introduced a bill today that culminates weeks of feuding between the Vermont senator & #Amazon, a company he views as indicative of a “rigged economy” that rewards the rich & harms workers.
The bill would impose a tax on companies with 500+ employees “equal to the amount of federal benefits received by their low wage workers.”
#dsa #bernitdown #Bernie2020 #stillsanders #bwhw #bernie #amazon