Stillwater Prison Protest Over But Issues Far From Resolved
#Stillwater #StillwaterPrison #PrisonProtest #PrisonUprising
#stillwater #stillwaterprison #prisonprotest #PrisonUprising
In #Stillwater, #Minnesota, a group of about 100 prisoners have taken "over a portion of the facility," after they refused to return to their cells. Police and others now staging outside of the prison.
#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.8 strikes 25 km NW of #Stillwater (#Oklahoma) 2 min ago. More info:
#earthquake #sismo #stillwater #oklahoma
Check out how @okstate
has invested in the prevention of #bird #window #collisions on campus here in #Stillwater.
@LossLabOSU discusses OSU's effort with @FeatherFriendly
to treat our most deadly facades, and pony up support for #efficacy research. 🙏 🐦 🏢
Bonus Riley Lawson content – Scott and I are co-advising Riley on master's research to study efficacy of window markings in reducing collisions.
#bird #window #collisions #stillwater #efficacy #conservation #ornithology
The limits of nothingness
#photography #boat #rowingboat #lake #mountains #sky #clouds #rocks #shore #water #horizon #stillwater #nowind #forest #lanscape #nature #outdoors #wilderness #noroads #rural #naturereserve #reflection #Ottfjället #sweden #jämtland #northernsweden #august #summer #solitude #Ottsjön
#photography #boat #rowingboat #lake #mountains #sky #clouds #rocks #shore #water #horizon #stillwater #nowind #forest #lanscape #nature #outdoors #wilderness #noroads #rural #naturereserve #reflection #ottfjallet #sweden #jamtland #northernsweden #august #summer #solitude #ottsjon
"In a universe that's infinite
Yet everything gets lost in it
Just stand still." - Noah Cyrus
Happy Saturday, #Fediverse
Photography - Babs E
Cassis, France
#photography #travel #France #travelphotography #boats #still #standstill #stillwater #Saturday #Mediterranean #harbor #anchor
#Fediverse #photography #travel #travelphotography #boats #still #standstill #stillwater #saturday #mediterranean #harbor #anchor #France
Need some silence and room for contemplation on the Sunday morning? Sunlight glittering on a small glacial cirque lake in the #BlackForestNationalPark.
Click to see the full image.
#SilentWaters #Silence #Water #Lake #LandscapePhotography #Photography #BlackForest #Fotografie #StilleWasser #Stille #Ruhe #Spiegelung #Reflexion #StillWater #GlacialCirque #Glitzern #Glitter #Gegenlicht #Sonnenstrahlen
#blackforestnationalpark #silentsunday #silentwaters #silence #water #lake #landscapephotography #Photography #blackforest #fotografie #stillewasser #Stille #ruhe #spiegelung #reflexion #stillwater #glacialcirque #glitzern #glitter #gegenlicht #sonnenstrahlen
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#HighDesert 📅
#Stillwater 📅
#CityOnFire ⏳
#DropsOfGod ⏳
#Silo ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#BigBeasts 🎉
#TheBigDoorPrize 🎉
#TheLastThingHeToldMe 🎉
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing, 🎉 Finale
#Swagger S2
New premieres:
#TheSnoopyShow S3: Jun 9
#LovelyLittleFarm S2: Jun 16
#Swagger S2: Jun 23
#DuckAndGoose S2: Jul 7
#Physical S3: Aug 2
#EvaTheOwlet shorts: Aug 4
#OneOfAKindMarcie: Aug 18
#Peanuts specials: Sept 22
#peanuts #oneofakindmarcie #evatheowlet #physical #duckandgoose #lovelylittlefarm #TheSnoopyShow #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #swagger #TheLastThingHeToldMe #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #tedlasso #silo #dropsofgod #cityonfire #stillwater #highdesert #appletvplus
#Primo #TheLastThingHeToldMe #FireCountry #SWAT #BlueBloods #SharkTank #ABLSS #Stillwater #SellingSunset #TheSecretsOfHillsong #Letterkenny #WhiteMenCantJump #SpyMaster #BelleCollective #GoldRush #WhoseLine #PutARingOnIt #PowerGhost
#powerghost #putaringonit #WhoseLine #goldrush #bellecollective #spymaster #whitemencantjump #letterkenny #thesecretsofhillsong #SellingSunset #stillwater #ABLSS #sharktank #bluebloods #swat #firecountry #TheLastThingHeToldMe #primo
Stillwater Staffel 3 auf Apple TV+ gestartet
Pünktlich zum Wochenende, gibt es Neuigkeiten von Apple TV+. Der Streaming-Dienst von Apple begrüßt nun die dritte Staffel der beliebten Kinder- und Familienserie "Stillwater". Und das ist noch nicht alles! Schau mit uns auf die neuesten Angebote, die Apple TV+ bereithält.
Apple TV+ hat in de
#News #TV #Streaming #Kinder #Familie #Animation #Stillwater #AppleTV
#News #TV #Streaming #kinder #Familie #animation #stillwater #appletv
Season 3 of #Stillwater premieres on #AppleTVPlus this Friday, May 19.
The children's series follows siblings Karl, Addy and Michael, who have wise and mindful Panda named Stillwater as their neighbor.
All 10 episodes are now streaming.
Season 3 of #Stillwater premieres on #AppleTVPlus this Friday, May 19.
The children's series follows siblings Karl, Addy and Michael, who have wise and mindful Panda named Stillwater as their neighbor.
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#CityOnFire 📅
#AppleMusicLive: #EdSheeran 📅
#BigBeasts ⏳
#TheBigDoorPrize ⏳
#DropsOfGod ⏳
#TheLastThingHeToldMe ⏳
#Silo ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing
New premieres:
#Foundation S2: July 14
#TheBeanieBubble: July 28
#Foundation S2
#Stillwater S3
3 #Peabody awards
4 #IrishFilmAndTVAwards for #BadSisters
#Platonic world premiere in LA
Filming suspended for several shows due to #WGAStrike
#wgastrike #platonic #badsisters #irishfilmandtvawards #peabody #stillwater #thecrowdedroom #thebeaniebubble #foundation #tedlasso #silo #TheLastThingHeToldMe #dropsofgod #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #EdSheeran #applemusiclive #still #cityonfire #appletvplus
Non un brutto film, però mi ha dato la sensazione che agli autori abbiano voluto andare sul sicuro e sia mancato un po' di coraggio per sondare certi temi.
📝Voto: 6
"Stillwater" di Tom McCarthy, 139minuti, 2021.
#stillwater #cinema #film #7maggio #cinemastodon #cineitalia
Stille Wasser · #Glaswaldsee · Black Forest · Germany
#SilentSunday #Silence #Water #Lake #LandscapePhotography #Photography #BlackForest #Fotografie #StilleWasser #Stille #Ruhe #Spiegelung #Reflexion #StillWater #Red #Rot #Dawn #Morgenrot
#glaswaldsee #silentsunday #silence #water #lake #landscapephotography #Photography #blackforest #fotografie #stillewasser #Stille #ruhe #spiegelung #reflexion #stillwater #red #rot #dawn #morgenrot
May on #AppleTVPlus:
#HarrietTheSpy S2, #Silo, #ThePeanutsClassics, #CityOnFire, #STILL: A #MichaelJFox Movie, #HighDesert, #Stillwater S3, #PrehistoricPlanet S2, #Platonic
#Schmigadoon S2, #TheBigDoorPrize, #BigBeasts, #TheLastThingHeToldMe, #PrehistoricPlanet S2, #TedLasso S3
What are you most excited for?
#dropsofgod #tedlasso #TheLastThingHeToldMe #bigbeasts #thebigdoorprize #Schmigadoon #platonic #PrehistoricPlanet #stillwater #highdesert #michaeljfox #still #cityonfire #thepeanutsclassics #silo #HarrietTheSpy #appletvplus
#MilkyWay · #StillWater · #BlackForest · Germany
Starry sky, reflecting on a #Lake, with the band of the Milky Way. In the center of the picture, you can recognize the #Andromeda Galaxy as tiny nebula, most distant object visible by the naked eye.
Full resolution:
#AstroPhotography #LandscapePhotography #Photography #Astronomy #Stars #Reflexion #Water #Spiegelung #See #Schwarzwald #StarrySky #StilleWasser #Tranquility #Space #Universe #Universum
#milkyway #stillwater #blackforest #lake #andromeda #astrophotography #landscapephotography #Photography #astronomy #stars #reflexion #water #spiegelung #see #schwarzwald #starrysky #stillewasser #tranquility #Space #universe #universum
My young adult son just left and so I turn to streaming videos for company. An irrational part of my brain wants to return to the old days of his being with me more, but that wouldn't quite be right for him, lols. 🦋
#SilentSunday · Stille Wasser · Glaswaldsee · #BlackForest · Germany
#Granite #Water #Lake #Granit #See #Gletscherkarsee #Schwarzwald #Karsee #Gletscherkar #Stille #LandscapePhotography #Photography #Fotografie #StillWater #Meditation
#silentsunday #blackforest #granite #water #lake #granit #see #gletscherkarsee #schwarzwald #karsee #gletscherkar #Stille #landscapephotography #Photography #fotografie #stillwater #meditation