OMG....remember this? Best response EVER!
(from the woman who won the popular vote by 6.9M -- which SHOULD decide the Presidency!!)
#stillwithher #shewasrightabouteverything
You know who's still NOT being federally indicted? 👇🏽
#stillwithher #HillaryWasRight
Today is the anniversary of Hillary Clinton losing the presidential election to Osama bin Laden
Imagine if Fox would've done the "right thing" *checks notes* 7 years ago.
Good riddance #tuckercarlson 🖕🏽
Hillary Clinton is a fucking war criminal, if you're #StillWithHer get the fuck out of my mentions.
@niki @SeanAloysiusOBrien the syndicate obviously needs to add more women #hailthesultana #stillwithher
im hearing rumblings that Bernie is set to announce his run for #2024 #StillWithHer
imma put lipstick and googly eyes on my buttcheeks and run as Hillary! in 2024
Twitter migrant! #Boomer here (don’t judge me🦋). #StillWithHer. #Brooklyn #NYC born and raised but live in #DeSantis land now🤮 #Whovian, book reader.
#altext #boomer #stillwithher #brooklyn #nyc #desantis #whovian
Watch Former Secretary of State Remarks on Women's Equality #StillWithHer #WomensRightsAreHumanRights
#stillwithher #womensrightsarehumanrights