Yes I just spent $60 on three fidget toys. I bought a hard resistance pop it, a spikey ring, and a unisex cog necklace.
The necklace is alone was like $40, but to me it's definitely worth it to have a fidget toy that I can wear everywhere that looks cool.
#ActuallyAutistic #autism #Neurodivergence #Neurodiversity #ADHD #stimming
#actuallyautistic #autism #neurodivergence #neurodiversity #adhd #stimming
I'm the flavor of #neurodivergent that loves sleeping in jeans, I hear this is a polarizing opinion. It is a spectrum.
#adhd #ADHDer #neurospicy #stimming
#neurodivergent #adhd #ADHDer #neurospicy #stimming
Happy Neuro Pride Day! :blobcatbirthday: :infinity_rainbow:
Pictured is my new favourite stim toy, the Ono Roller. I use the junior version. More info here:
#neuroprideday #stimming #fidgittoy #adhd
My 1 year old niece has discovered my spinning ring. She tapped it curiously, so I showed her how it works. I only had to spin it once before she knew exactly what to do with it. I fear she's gonna be asking to see my hands many more times.
@ajsilu Написано же «такое поведение в той или иной степени встречается у всех людей» («are found to some degree in all people»). Я слышал, что у многих людей разнообразные подёргивания или какое-н. верчение карандаша встречаются (просто) в стрессовой ситуации. Наверно, любую стрессовую ситуацию можно одновременно считать и ситуацией возбуждения. ⦾ #stimming #enwiki
Finally set up my 3d printer again. Designed these simple #stimtoys. Quick to print,quiet and satisfying to #fidget with. #3dprinting #stimming #3dmodeling #cad #freecad
#stimtoys #fidget #3dprinting #stimming #3dmodeling #cad #freecad
Stimming - Alpe Lusia (2016)
Un crack este chabón, se internó un mes en los alpes tanos y salió de ahí con esto. Deep house tirando a minimal techno, muy muy fachero. Enérgico y con texturas igual de facheras. También es lindo para una escucha nocturna, pa pasar la noche encontrándole detalles a cada uno de sus temas.
#deephouse #minimal #techhouse #stimming
#deephouse #minimal #techhouse #stimming
So, I've decided to get and try out some mouth stim toys because I've been smoking/vaping increasingly and I've theorized it's due to my AuDHD and needing something in my mouth.
I used to chew my nails but I stopped after putting on acrylic tips until I started biting the skin around my nails. I keep biting the inside of my cheek, which apparently is "a sign of mouth stimming" but I'm not sure how true that one is.
In my past, I smoked cigarettes but mainly did it socially and when I was overstimulated. I never got addicted to nicotine and was able to quit cold turkey and stick with smoking weed.
I bite the skin from my lips frequently even when it's not ready to come off. It's just so many signs of ways I fidget or stim using my mouth that I decided to try it out finally. I should be getting the ones pictured today and I got ones that look like feathers that will be here tomorrow in case the ones I get today feel awkward.
At first, I kind of felt weird about looking for this type of product because they're mainly geared towards children and it made me feel... less like an adult but in a bad way, if that makes sense. I just need to remember that even the studies of ADHD and Autism are geared towards children, not adults, and they mainly use research done on boys, not girls.
I'm kind of excited and hope that I'm right. I'd love to smoke less and have a lower tolerance again while smoking to have fun and be high, not just smoking to be doing something with my mouth.
Fingers crossed!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
#audhd #autism #adhd #neurodivergent #stim #stimming #cannabis #weed
#AuDHD #autism #adhd #neurodivergent #stim #stimming #cannabis #Weed
@hastyunicorn @actuallyautistic I get that! I really do. I wish I had a job that afforded me the same kind of balance. Unfortunately, I work in an office with no privacy so relief with #stimming is not possible. This leaves me exhausted and crabby at the end of the day.
Forgot my spinning ring when I left home today, and now I'm missing it. I guess that's the downside of having a #stimming toy like that. 😅
#stimming #actuallyautistic #autism
Recently bought a spinning ring to stim with. I have to get used to the feeling of something around my finger. But I also feel it's a good way to keep my hands busy. It keeps me grounded and it's better than scratching myself, which I tend to do when I get a bit anxious.
#stimming #actuallyautistic #autism
Growing up #ActuallyAutistic I wish that we payed more attention to little things like how I can't sleep unless I shower right before. Or as a kid (and even an adult) I've always slept with the same pillow. I literally have a pillow, nicknamed my "tickle pillow" for the past 25 years and as a kid I could never fall asleep unless I could rub the fabric between my index finger and thumbnail (#stimming?) Back then we didn't understand the rigid schedules and odd #sensory flags as strange behavior 🤷♂️
#actuallyautistic #stimming #sensory
P.S. #Stimming doesn’t just relieve stress, and ABAers aren’t “unwittingly” grooming kids for exploitation. #ActuallyAutistic and otherwise #Neurodivergent scholars, activists, and #ABA survivors have been saying #behaviorism violates #HumanRights and nonhuman #AnimalRights for decades. As Leonard Cohen said, “Everybody knows.”
#stimming #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #aba #behaviorism #humanrights #animalrights #SayNoToABA #AllABA #BanABA #abaistorture
Flappy hands are happy hands! 😊🙌 #Stimming #Autism #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic
#stimming #autism #autistic #actuallyautistic
My stim devices. As an autistic person with severe sensory issues these things are vital during tough monents.
#autism #actuallyautistic #stimming
#autism #actuallyautistic #stimming
@devxvda Oh I can confirm that #masturbating can definitely help relieve #anxiety like other #stimming. #ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
#masturbating #anxiety #stimming #actuallyautistic
Is constantly having a portion of a song stuck in your head and clacking your teeth together in time with the beat considered #stimming? (On the outside it looks like I'm grinding my teeth)
#stimming #autism #AskAutistics
Autistics are the real experts.
Nothing about us without us.
@Neurodivergent Socks 🧦page🧦🙂♾️ (Facebook)
#Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #ADHD #Autism #CPTSD #GAD #AutismAcceptance #stimming #stim #Overwhelmed #ExecutiveFunctionDisorder #ExecutiveDysfunction #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #RSD #Hyperfocus #Hypervigilant #SensoryOverstimulation #SensoryIssues #SensoryPain #Speechless #mute #PathologicalDemandAvoidance #PDA #AutisticInertia #BrainFog #Daydreaming #Focus #AutisticBurnout #ReactiveAttachmentDisorder #RAD #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MDD #Depression #Suicide #Suicidal #Alone #Dysgraphia #Dysthymia #Dyscalcula #Dyslexia #Dysphoria #Dysplasia #Dualistic #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #Overthinking #BlackAndWhiteThinking #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #PDD #EmotionalDysregulation #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #NervePain #Insomnia #Parasomnia #Nightmares
#Autistic #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #adhd #autism #CPTSD #gad #autismacceptance #stimming #stim #Overwhelmed #executivefunctiondisorder #executivedysfunction #rejectionsensitivedysphoria #rsd #hyperfocus #hypervigilant #sensoryoverstimulation #SensoryIssues #SensoryPain #speechless #mute #pathologicaldemandavoidance #PDA #AutisticInertia #BrainFog #daydreaming #focus #autisticburnout #reactiveattachmentdisorder #rad #majordepressivedisorder #mdd #depression #suicide #suicidal #alone #Dysgraphia #dysthymia #dyscalcula #dyslexia #dysphoria #dysplasia #dualistic #anxiety #socialanxiety #overthinking #blackandwhitethinking #persistentdepressivedisorder #pdd #emotionaldysregulation #chronicfatigue #ChronicPain #nervepain #insomnia #parasomnia #nightmares