stimulusでselect2変更時のchange actionを定義したい
#qiita #JavaScript #Rails #jQuery #Select2 #Stimulus
#qiita #javascript #rails #jquery #select2 #stimulus lots of #COVID19 #economic #stimulus money was stolen. Find out how much and how it was done in this short video
Hmmm, who's largely to blame for recent inflation?
Stimulus to the people? Or corporate profit-taking in a crisis (i.e. greed)? You might be able to guess.
#Inflation #stimulus #capitalism
Prepared screencasts for frontend developers to learn View Components and Hotwire in Ruby on Rails applications.
#stimulus #rubyonrails #hotwire #frontend
Dîtes, les gens qui utilisent #Stimulus, vous utilisez vraiment l'import magique des controllers ? D'un point de vue performance, ça allume plein d'alarmes dans ma tête.
Je rate quelque chose ? Vous connaissez des gens que je peux contacter à ce sujet ?
#Bidenomics #Covid19 fiscal #stimulus caused net wealth to surge in most countries but has since fallen back to pre- #pandemic levels in the #EA and the #UK. However, it is still high in #US and #Japan, where it could keep consumption resilient for a while longer, chart @TS_Lombard
#bidenomics #COVID19 #stimulus #pandemic #ea #uk #us #japan
#China 's exports contracted last month at their fastest pace since the onset 3y ago of #COVID19 #pandemic, as an ailing global economy puts mounting pressure on #Chinese policymakers for fresh #stimulus measures, chart @ReutersBiz
#China #COVID19 #pandemic #chinese #stimulus
Factory prices sink low
Strengthening stimulus plea
China's economy slow
#china #economy #inflation #stimulus #haiku #poetry
#china #economy #inflation #stimulus #haiku #poetry
Stimulus Dan Respon Indera Berita Info
Sahabat Berita info yang Budiman, Stimulus adalah rangsangan yang diterima oleh indera kita, sedangkan respons indera adalah tanggapan yang diberikan oleh tubuh kita terhadap stimulus tersebut. Manusia memiliki lima indera utama yaitu penglihatan (mata), pendengaran (telinga), penciuman (hidung), perasa (lidah), dan peraba (kulit).
#Stimulus #Dan #Respon #Indera #Berita #Info
Berita Info
#stimulus #dan #respon #indera #berita #info
The same applies to web development stacks.
#HTML is good actually. So, yay for a backend language with template based #HTML generation, with controlled sprinkles of #JavaScript here and there. #Turbo #Stimulus
(I also find #Symfony better designed and somehow with more batteries included to allow this kind of simplicity than, say #Django, so again, maybe that’s why.)
#html #javascript #turbo #stimulus #symfony #django
Remember how ten trillion in tax cuts for rich people didn’t do jack shit for the economy, but when we spent half of one trillion dollars on sending everyone stimulus checks, the economy went absolutely apeshit and never stopped? Seems like there’s a lesson there somewhere…
Episode #403 - Masked Fields
#ruby #rubyonrails #javascript #hotwire #stimulus #programming #code
#ruby #rubyonrails #javascript #hotwire #stimulus #programming #code
Episode 397 - View Transitions API
#ruby #rubyonrails #hotwire #stimulus #javascript #view
Copilot+ChatGPT helped me build a fun feature today. This took maybe five minutes.
I wanted to make a Heroku-style name generator, but Honeybadger-y.
To start, I wired up this Stimulus component on a link + form input. When you click the link "Generate a fun name," I wanted it to put the name into the text input.
Episode #393 - Chart.js
#ruby #rubyonrails #programming #code #stimulus #hotwire #javascript
#ruby #rubyonrails #programming #code #stimulus #hotwire #javascript
If anyone is interested, these are the new giveaways I entered on Stimulus. Everyone has a chance to win. They send actual cash in the mail 🤣 I highly recommend it. All users are verified. So no trolls.
#social #socialmedia #giveaways #stimulus #cash #friday #lottery #assistance
#social #socialmedia #giveaways #stimulus #cash #friday #lottery #assistance
I won a $500 giveaway on Stimulus, a happy social network. They sent me actual cash 😂👏
If you're interested and in the US, check it out:
#payment #sidehustle #stimulus #giveaways #reward #cash #income
#payment #sidehustle #stimulus #giveaways #reward #cash #income