This past Sunday (now commonly known as 'Christ the King Sunday' which, ugh, yeah. I have issues with!) is known in the UK as #StirUpSunday, referring to the Collect prayer from the #BCP (Book of Common Prayer) which reads: "Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people..."
It is traditional to begin cooking the cake, pudding etc. for Christmas on Stir Up Sunday.
#stirupsunday #bcp #foodtraditions #anglican
As an #exReligious former #Anglican, it was pointed out to me that yesterday was #StirUpSunday, when it is traditional to begin cooking your Christmas pudding. I haven't done Xmas cooking in a couple of decades. I will eat it though! 😁
#Tradition #Xmas #cooking #baking
#exReligious #anglican #stirupsunday #tradition #xmas #cooking #baking
Went #NordicWalking yesterday so missed #StirUpSunday. Welcome to #MixUp Monday
#nordicwalking #stirupsunday #mixup
@PaulBurkhart I was reminded that, in the UK, at least in #Anglican circles, it is known as #StirUpSunday, due to the old BCP Collect prayer, and traditionally, it is the day when people would start making their Christmas puddings!
Dull and grey day here in North Sutton, hence a slow start. Having been out #NordicWalking yesterday, I missed #StirUpSunday , so today will be mix-up Monday
Eep. Was just reminded that today is Stir Up Sunday. Love making (and eating) Christmas pudding. It’s Cardamummy’s favourite thing for the holidays (or maybe it’s the brandy sauce?) Will have to shake a tailfeather on that one :) #ChristmasIsComing #StirUpSunday #ChristmasPudding #Cooking #holidays
#christmasiscoming #stirupsunday #christmaspudding #cooking #holidays
Stir Up Sunday
#prayers #prayer #christianity #stirupsunday
Spent some of #StirUpSunday virtually with in Hove, England for his Historic #ChristmasPudding Cookery Course. The only suet Xmas pudding that l ever made *IN 2016* kept me company. It’s not big but weighs 4 lbs. Sugar, fat, booze. Only used butter before & since.
#stirupsunday #ChristmasPudding
Vanmiddag hebben we een christmas pudding gebakken. Ben heel benieuwd hoe het gaat smaken. En nee, dit heeft niets met lezen te maken, maar het is wel leuk om te doen... (de volgorde van de foto's is een beetje vreemd) #Stirupsunday #kerst
Excita! Here be the good works of fruit!
#StirUpSunday #ChristmasPudding #ChristmasCakeBaking
#stirupsunday #christmaspudding #christmascakebaking
Ok, so Emmanuel can safely come now… #ChristmasCakeBaking #StirUpSunday #ReadyForAdvent #Advent
#christmascakebaking #stirupsunday #readyforadvent #advent
Hurrah! Jill is stirring things up at The Bull! Tradition is safe for another year. #StirUpSunday #TheArchers
Honestly I wish I could share with you how heavenly it smells…! #ChristmasCakeBaking #StirUpSunday
#christmascakebaking #stirupsunday
And so it begins: our Advent playlist is on, the baking tin is greased and lined, the brandy-soaked fruit is warming… #StirUpSunday #ChristnasCakeBaking
#stirupsunday #christnascakebaking
Today is Stir Up Sunday. As per tradition, I stirred up and then baked the Christmas cake, ready to store it and 'feed' it periodically with brandy over the coming weeks. The scents are of nutmeg, cinnamon, orange and lemon. For family members not present, a video was posted on the family chat with the mixture being stirred so they could, in a virtual version of the tradition, have a wish.
#stirupsunday #cake #christmas #tradition
Make a wish!
#StirUpSunday #Christmas #Xmas #pudding #2022
#stirupsunday #christmas #xmas #pudding
It’s #StirUpSunday, and I’m getting the Christmas cake underway, along with some other pre-Christmas baking. With a little help from Delia, and of course some Festive Fun with Fanny.
#Christmas #Baking
#stirupsunday #christmas #baking
Me & my son aren't religious by any stretch of the imagination but it's Stir-Up Sunday & there is no way I am missing out on my Christmas stirring wish #StirUpSunday
I will be live-tooting the baking of our Christmas cake by DS later this afternoon. You will of course have to bring your imagination for the olfactory experience… #StirUpSunday #ChristmasCake #baking
#stirupsunday #christmascake #baking