The risk of #infections and other complications is pronounced in the weeks after a #pediatric #BoneMarrowTransplant. Read about a new #StJude study identifying those at the highest risk, which may help protect these vulnerable #children. #StJudeResearch #ChildhoodCancer #Microbiome
#infections #pediatric #bonemarrowtransplant #stjude #children #stjuderesearch #childhoodcancer #microbiome
When people think of #virology, they rarely think of a week at the beach. But for the last 38 years, #StJude #avianflu hunters have traveled to #DelawareBay to collect #birdpoop which, this year, will help provide context for the ongoing #pandemic. #StJudeResearch #FluResearch
#virology #stjude #avianflu #delawarebay #birdpoop #pandemic #stjuderesearch #fluresearch
We proudly welcome Dr. Victor J. Torres as chair of the newly formed #StJude Department of Host-Microbe Interactions, which will focus on treating and preventing #diseasecausing #infections in children. Torres, who starts in July, is actively #recruiting world-class investigators to undertake #research to learn key information about fundamental biological, molecular and chemical processes of #infectiousdiseases. #StJudeResearch
#stjude #diseasecausing #infections #recruiting #research #infectiousdiseases #stjuderesearch
At the end of May, #NewYorkTimes reporter Emily Anthes accompanied #StJude #virologists on their yearly trek to #DelawareBay in #NewJersey to document their collection of #birdpoop. #Virologist Dr. Robert Webster, now St. Jude emeritus faculty, started going to the area in 1985. “Delaware Bay has turned into an influenza gold mine,” he says. “And we will continue to mine that gold mine until we’ve found the answers.” Follow their journey. #FluResearch
#newyorktimes #stjude #virologists #delawarebay #newjersey #birdpoop #virologist #fluresearch
The #H5N1 #fluvirus poses a great unknown threat to birds and humans. For decades, #StJude #virologists have been mining #DelawareBay each year to expand their knowledge and to help thwart possible #influenza outbreaks. Learn how: @emilyanthes @nytimes #StJudeResearch #FluResearch
#h5n1 #fluvirus #stjude #virologists #delawarebay #influenza #stjuderesearch #fluresearch
Join Thurs, May 25, at noon CT/1 pm ET as Dr. Kim Nichols of #StJude presents “Hereditary Predisposition to Cancer: At the Tip of the Iceberg.” She’ll discuss the prevalence & spectrum of #cancer predisposing #GermlineVariants in children and young adults, how these variants influence cancer #phenotypes & outcomes, and how #germline info impacts #ClinicalCare—including approaches to #CancerSurveillance & treatment. Register. #SOCC23 #ChildhoodCancer #CancerPredisposition
#stjude #cancer #germlinevariants #phenotypes #germline #clinicalcare #cancersurveillance #socc23 #childhoodcancer #cancerpredisposition
Yo #hacker fam, join @kusanagi on #Twitch RIGHT NOW to raise money for #SaintJude #stjude @stjudeplaylive with #Zelda #TearsOfTheKingdom gameplay & special guest HANDSOME MAN PIZZA DAN!
#Hacker #twitch #saintjude #stjude #zelda #TearsoftheKingdom
Developing new treatments for #ChildhoodCancer requires creative solutions. #StJude #scientists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible by designing compounds that degrade proteins. Read about the #technology and discoveries. #StJudeON #StJudeResearch
#childhoodcancer #stjude #scientists #technology #stjudeon #stjuderesearch
Passed on control of the #StJude #Charity MegaStream to Eckrail who's doing all the things now on #Twitch over here -
Like comparing apples to apples, comparing similar #proteins can be challenging. #Scientists at #StJude developed a tool to help, which garnered new insights into the #ChaperoneProtein #HSP90—an essential target in #cancer. Read about their work. #StJudeResearch #StructuralBiology #ChemicalBiology #DrugDiscovery
#proteins #scientists #stjude #chaperoneprotein #hsp90 #cancer #stjuderesearch #structuralbiology #chemicalbiology #drugdiscovery
#StJude may have set the new #GoldStandard for pediatric #craniopharyngioma treatment. Explore the phase 2 #ClinicalTrial showing how #ProtonTherapy improved #NeurocognitiveOutcomes over historical #PhotonTherapy. #StJudeResearch #LancetOncology #BrainTumor #BTAM #BrainTumorAwarenessMonth
#stjude #goldstandard #craniopharyngioma #clinicaltrial #protontherapy #neurocognitiveoutcomes #photontherapy #stjuderesearch #lancetoncology #braintumor #btam #braintumorawarenessmonth
I'll be taking part in a Mega Stream #Charity event that kicks off on May 3rd, we have a pile of streamers who will be going live in rotation on the StreamerSphere channel to raise money for St Jude Children's Research Hospital. I'll be live on May 4th at 3pm EST and May 5th at 10pm EST
You can donate to the campaign here -
Like a musical ensemble, a #scientific enterprise needs members who can integrate their expertise with others. Explore how #computationalist Dr. Brian Abraham conducts #ComputationalResearch as part of a larger scientific orchestra at #StJude. #StJudeResearch #CompBio
#scientific #computationalist #computationalresearch #stjude #stjuderesearch #compbio
#PrimeEditing is a new #GenomeEditing technology that promises to fix #SickleCellDisease-causing mutations in a curative approach. Discover more about this technology, a collaboration of #StJude and the #BroadInstitute of MIT and #Harvard.
#primeediting #genomeediting #sicklecelldisease #stjude #broadinstitute #harvard
“Evolution of Our Understanding of WNT and SHH Medulloblastoma” is the topic when Dr. Amar Gajjar of #StJude presents The Science of Childhood Cancer lecture Thurs, April 20, at noon CT/1 pm ET. Register.
#SOCC23 #StJudeResearch #BrainTumor #Medulloblastoma
#stjude #socc23 #stjuderesearch #braintumor #medulloblastoma
#Scientists Dr. Melissa Hudson and Dr. Jun J. Yang will be honored for their #clinical and #TranslationalResearch contributions at the #AACR23 meeting in #Orlando from April 14-19. Learn about their careers and the #science they and their #StJude peers will share. #CancerResearch #StJudeResearch
#scientists #clinical #translationalresearch #aacr23 #orlando #science #stjude #cancerresearch #stjuderesearch
“Harnessing Implementation Science to Improve Outcomes for Children with Cancer who Develop Critical Illness” is the topic when Dr. Asya Agulnik of #StJude presents the #SOCC23 lecture Thurs, April 13, at noon CT/1 pm ET. Register. #SOCC23 #ChildhoodCancer #ImpSci
#stjude #socc23 #childhoodcancer #impsci
Adolescent and #YoungAdultCancer patients may struggle with their diagnosis’ #psychological and social aspects differently than others. #StJude #scientists are studying this group's psychological, social and #BehavioralWellBeing to understand their unique needs better.
#AYAWeek #AYACancer #CancerResearch #StJudeResearch
#youngadultcancer #psychological #stjude #scientists #behavioralwellbeing #ayaweek #ayacancer #cancerresearch #stjuderesearch
Through the #ChildhoodCancer Survivor Study, #researchers found strong evidence of the importance of a #HealthyLifestyle for these individuals. Read the causes of increased excess #LateMortality and potential strategies to reduce risk. #StJude #StJudeResearch #SurvOnc #CancerSurvivorship
#childhoodcancer #researchers #healthylifestyle #latemortality #stjude #stjuderesearch #survonc #cancersurvivorship
Human #ribosomes decode #MessengerRNA 10 times slower than bacterial ribosomes—but do so more accurately. Explore how #StJude #scientists made this discovery. #cryoEM #StructuralBiology @Nature #mRNA #StJudeResearch
#ribosomes #messengerrna #stjude #scientists #cryoem #structuralbiology #mrna #stjuderesearch