The risk of #infections and other complications is pronounced in the weeks after a #pediatric #BoneMarrowTransplant. Read about a new #StJude study identifying those at the highest risk, which may help protect these vulnerable #children. #StJudeResearch #ChildhoodCancer #Microbiome
#infections #pediatric #bonemarrowtransplant #stjude #children #stjuderesearch #childhoodcancer #microbiome
When people think of #virology, they rarely think of a week at the beach. But for the last 38 years, #StJude #avianflu hunters have traveled to #DelawareBay to collect #birdpoop which, this year, will help provide context for the ongoing #pandemic. #StJudeResearch #FluResearch
#virology #stjude #avianflu #delawarebay #birdpoop #pandemic #stjuderesearch #fluresearch
We proudly welcome Dr. Victor J. Torres as chair of the newly formed #StJude Department of Host-Microbe Interactions, which will focus on treating and preventing #diseasecausing #infections in children. Torres, who starts in July, is actively #recruiting world-class investigators to undertake #research to learn key information about fundamental biological, molecular and chemical processes of #infectiousdiseases. #StJudeResearch
#stjude #diseasecausing #infections #recruiting #research #infectiousdiseases #stjuderesearch
The #H5N1 #fluvirus poses a great unknown threat to birds and humans. For decades, #StJude #virologists have been mining #DelawareBay each year to expand their knowledge and to help thwart possible #influenza outbreaks. Learn how: @emilyanthes @nytimes #StJudeResearch #FluResearch
#h5n1 #fluvirus #stjude #virologists #delawarebay #influenza #stjuderesearch #fluresearch
Developing new treatments for #ChildhoodCancer requires creative solutions. #StJude #scientists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible by designing compounds that degrade proteins. Read about the #technology and discoveries. #StJudeON #StJudeResearch
#childhoodcancer #stjude #scientists #technology #stjudeon #stjuderesearch
Like comparing apples to apples, comparing similar #proteins can be challenging. #Scientists at #StJude developed a tool to help, which garnered new insights into the #ChaperoneProtein #HSP90—an essential target in #cancer. Read about their work. #StJudeResearch #StructuralBiology #ChemicalBiology #DrugDiscovery
#proteins #scientists #stjude #chaperoneprotein #hsp90 #cancer #stjuderesearch #structuralbiology #chemicalbiology #drugdiscovery
#StJude may have set the new #GoldStandard for pediatric #craniopharyngioma treatment. Explore the phase 2 #ClinicalTrial showing how #ProtonTherapy improved #NeurocognitiveOutcomes over historical #PhotonTherapy. #StJudeResearch #LancetOncology #BrainTumor #BTAM #BrainTumorAwarenessMonth
#stjude #goldstandard #craniopharyngioma #clinicaltrial #protontherapy #neurocognitiveoutcomes #photontherapy #stjuderesearch #lancetoncology #braintumor #btam #braintumorawarenessmonth
Like a musical ensemble, a #scientific enterprise needs members who can integrate their expertise with others. Explore how #computationalist Dr. Brian Abraham conducts #ComputationalResearch as part of a larger scientific orchestra at #StJude. #StJudeResearch #CompBio
#scientific #computationalist #computationalresearch #stjude #stjuderesearch #compbio
“Evolution of Our Understanding of WNT and SHH Medulloblastoma” is the topic when Dr. Amar Gajjar of #StJude presents The Science of Childhood Cancer lecture Thurs, April 20, at noon CT/1 pm ET. Register.
#SOCC23 #StJudeResearch #BrainTumor #Medulloblastoma
#stjude #socc23 #stjuderesearch #braintumor #medulloblastoma
#Scientists Dr. Melissa Hudson and Dr. Jun J. Yang will be honored for their #clinical and #TranslationalResearch contributions at the #AACR23 meeting in #Orlando from April 14-19. Learn about their careers and the #science they and their #StJude peers will share. #CancerResearch #StJudeResearch
#scientists #clinical #translationalresearch #aacr23 #orlando #science #stjude #cancerresearch #stjuderesearch
Adolescent and #YoungAdultCancer patients may struggle with their diagnosis’ #psychological and social aspects differently than others. #StJude #scientists are studying this group's psychological, social and #BehavioralWellBeing to understand their unique needs better.
#AYAWeek #AYACancer #CancerResearch #StJudeResearch
#youngadultcancer #psychological #stjude #scientists #behavioralwellbeing #ayaweek #ayacancer #cancerresearch #stjuderesearch
Through the #ChildhoodCancer Survivor Study, #researchers found strong evidence of the importance of a #HealthyLifestyle for these individuals. Read the causes of increased excess #LateMortality and potential strategies to reduce risk. #StJude #StJudeResearch #SurvOnc #CancerSurvivorship
#childhoodcancer #researchers #healthylifestyle #latemortality #stjude #stjuderesearch #survonc #cancersurvivorship
Human #ribosomes decode #MessengerRNA 10 times slower than bacterial ribosomes—but do so more accurately. Explore how #StJude #scientists made this discovery. #cryoEM #StructuralBiology @Nature #mRNA #StJudeResearch
#ribosomes #messengerrna #stjude #scientists #cryoem #structuralbiology #mrna #stjuderesearch
Two #genes can fuse, creating an #OncogenicFusion that drives #cancer. #StJude #scientists characterized these fusions in #PediatricCancer. Learn how it improved #disease predictions and may lead to #CRISPRbased treatments. #CRISPR #CRISPRcas9 #CompBio #StJudeResearch
#genes #oncogenicfusion #cancer #stjude #scientists #pediatriccancer #disease #crisprbased #crispr #crisprcas9 #compbio #stjuderesearch
The seasonal #fluvaccine is less effective in some years than others. In a new study published in #ScienceAdvances, #StJude #scientists found mutations that can improve or impair #flu vaccines and may give clues to assess the #pandemic potential of flu viruses in nature. The group’s work suggests technically feasible and relatively cost-effective ways to improve the seasonal vaccine and pandemic flu prediction. #StJudeResearch
#fluvaccine #scienceadvances #stjude #scientists #flu #pandemic #stjuderesearch
#Scientists from #StJude and #RockefellerUniversity integrated #StructuralBiology techniques to better understand the #CysticFibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, providing new treatment clues. Learn about the @Nature study. #StJudeResearch #RareDisease
#scientists #stjude #rockefelleruniversity #structuralbiology #cysticfibrosis #stjuderesearch #raredisease
There are wide varieties of #TCells: CD4+ vs. CD8+, effector vs. memory. As there are countless health threats for our T cells to resist, including #viruses and #cancer, how did #scientists figure out how T cells properly function to protect us? Discover how #StJude #immunologists use various methods, including some they created themselves, to track and analyze T cells and their function better. #StJudeON #StJudeResearch
#tcells #viruses #cancer #scientists #stjude #immunologists #stjudeon #stjuderesearch
Early-career #scientist Dr. Lily Guenther feels surrounding herself with support, especially from other women, is essential. She reflects on 2022, when she took a defining leap to start her #MolecularOncology lab. #WHM #WomenInScience #StJudeResearch
#scientist #molecularoncology #whm #womeninscience #stjuderesearch
#Metastatic #cancercells find ways to thrive in harsh environments. #StJude #scientists have new clues about how those #cells succeed and how to potentially stop them. “The overarching goal of our lab is to understand how #metastasis works so that we can eventually target it therapeutically,” says Dr. Myriam Labelle of #Oncology. Learn more. #StJudeResearch #WomenInScience #WHM
#metastatic #cancercells #stjude #scientists #cells #metastasis #oncology #stjuderesearch #womeninscience #whm
Researchers at #StJude have developed an #algorithm inspired by #evolutionary principles to #design new #protein pairs that interact exclusively. With this approach, it might be possible, for example, to design proteins or short #peptides that can inhibit or activate #celldeath proteins, which would be useful to help treat a variety of #metabolicdiseases. Learn more.
#StJudeResearch #DataScience
#stjude #algorithm #evolutionary #design #protein #peptides #celldeath #metabolicdiseases #stjuderesearch #datascience