Mark McGwire hit his record-breaking 62nd home run on this date in 1998. I had thoughts about the anniversary in light of his 2010 admission to using steroids.
#DugoutDirt #StLCards #StLouis #Baseball #MLB #Sports #MarkMcGwire
#markmcgwire #sports #mlb #baseball #stlouis #stlcards #dugoutdirt
This season has been particularly frustrating for #STLCards fans. The FO has acknowledged the need for waaaay more pitching next season, while the lineup is solid with all-star veterans and solid young guys.
Also- as a Cardinals fan living in Kansas City, I don’t think most STL fans understand how uncommon it is to have a perpetual contender.
Love my Royals friends, but as a Cardinals fan, it could be so, so much worse.
Hello world! I’m “migrating” from a different mastodon instance for the sole purpose of sticking to sports. A fan of: #Mizzou, #STLCards, #Steelers, #SportingKC. I may occasionally hit you with some music takes, primarily #PopPunk. You’ve been warned 😘
#mizzou #stlcards #steelers #sportingkc #poppunk
Mpbaltravens' amazing view from above Baltimore's bullpen will get going next Monday when the #Orioles (#1 in the AL by 2.5 games) host their 2nd to last regular season homestand.
The #STLCards are up on 9/11-13.
Then the #TBRays (#2 in the AL) on 9/14-17.
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #pirates #PittsburghPirates #stlcards #stlcardinals #cards #SaintLouisCardinals #cardinals
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - May 17th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
September 02nd 2023 RESULTS
PIT OVER 9 -125 🥠🥠🥠🥠🥠🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧
GOOD LUCK TO ALL except those phoney cowardly cowering clitturing p⁵4lifer ratturdly🐀💩 stooge🤡 vitterd kingmoments3220 nation loving frauds FUCK 'EM AHAHA🍻
Hey @EnikkLies matt d from reading Pennsylvania kingmoments3220 mattymoments mattmoments fatty matty lice vitterd queen clitty king vitch matty weinstein ya heinous shitstained chin anus or whatever you changed your name to now ya creepy old pervy pathetic fucking cowardly cowering clittering p⁵4lifer hideout goof guess what...? THAT'S RIGHT YA #vitched PITTSBURGH UNDER today 🐀💩 YA EARLESS PIECE OF SHIT SO IT WAS YET ANOTHER GOOD DAY FOR THEGX BEST BET O' THA DAY THREAD TODAY AHAHA SO GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STAY OFF OUR FORUM🖕🤌
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #pirates #pittsburghpirates #stlcards #stlcardinals #cards #saintlouiscardinals #cardinals
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #cards #stlcards #stlcardinals #SaintLouisCardinals #cardinals #MLBBets
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - August 29th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
Tuesday said:
August 29th 2023
STL +136 🥠🥠🥠🥠🥠🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧
GOOD LUCK TO ALL except those phoney cowardly cowering clitturing p⁵4lifer ratturdly🐀💩 stooge🤡 vitterd kingmoments3220 nation loving frauds FUCK 'EM AHAHA🍻
Hey @EnikkLies kingmoments3220 mattmoments fatty matty lice vitterd queen clitty king vitch matty weinstein ya heinous shitstained fatt chin anus or whatever you changed your name to now ya creepy old pervy pathetic fucking cowardly cowering clittering p⁵4lifer hideout goof guess what...? THAT'S RIGHT YA #vitched San Diego today 🐀💩 YA EARLESS PIECE OF SHIT SO IT WAS YET ANOTHER GOOD DAY FOR THEGX BEST BET O' THA DAY THREAD TODAY AHAHA SO GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STAY OFF OUR FORUM🖕🤌
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #cards #stlcards #stlcardinals #saintlouiscardinals #cardinals #mlbbets
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #cards #stlcardinals #stlcards #SaintLouisCardinals #cardinals
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - August 29th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #cards #stlcardinals #stlcards #saintlouiscardinals #cardinals
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #nhl #sports #hockey #betting #gambling #nfl #football #nba #basketball #mlb #baseball #soccer #premierleague #esport #esports #phelps123 #tennis #cricket #curling #rugby #ncaa #boxing #cfl #mma #ufc #nascar #mls #golf #pga #atp #uefa #epl #racing #f1 #grandprix #championsleague #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #籃球 #足球 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #冰球 #欖球 #榄球 #棒球 #打拳 #高爾夫球 #網球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #StLouisCardinals #SaintLouisCardinals #cardinals #stlcards #stlcardinals
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🙂
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #nhl #sports #hockey #betting #gambling #nfl #football #nba #basketball #mlb #baseball #soccer #premierleague #esport #esports #phelps123 #tennis #cricket #curling #rugby #ncaa #boxing #cfl #mma #ufc #nascar #mls #golf #pga #atp #uefa #epl #racing #F1 #grandprix #championsleague #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #籃球 #足球 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #冰球 #欖球 #榄球 #棒球 #打拳 #高爾夫球 #網球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #stlouiscardinals #saintlouiscardinals #cardinals #stlcards #stlcardinals [Nightingale] ジョーダン・モンゴメリーは #STLCards から #レンジャーズ にトレードされて以来センセーショナルだ。 彼は今夜の #Dbacks 戦で判定なしで8イニングを完封した。 彼は2勝1敗、防御率1.74、テキサスでの4試合の先発出場で少なくとも6IPを投げ、2失点以下を記録している。 #NewYorkYankees #ニューヨーク・ヤンキース
#stlcards #レンジャーズ #dbacks #newyorkyankees #ニューヨーク・ヤンキース セントルイス・カージナルスがトッププロスペクトのメイシン・ウィンを招集していると複数の関係者が『The Athletic』に語った。 ウィンは金曜日のメッツとの試合に間に合う見込みだ。 #STLCards #St.LouisCardinals #セントルイス・カージナルス
[Cardinals] SS Masyn Winn has been selected from Memphis (AAA). He will wear uniform #0. #STLCards
#Baseball #Cardinals #MajorLeagueBaseball #Missouri #MLB #MLBNationalLeague #MLBNationalLeagueCentral #SaintLouis #SaintLouisCardinals #St.Louis #St.LouisCardinals
#stlcards #baseball #cardinals #majorleaguebaseball #missouri #mlb #mlbnationalleague #mlbnationalleaguecentral #saintlouis #saintlouiscardinals #st
The #STLCards :stl_cards: are calling up their number one ranked prospect Masyn Winn.
So excited for Drew Rom to make it to the show.
2 games, 0.82 ERA, 18 K’s, 11 IP.
#STLCards :stl_cards:
⚾ #MLB #Baseball #StLCards
Via Jay Cuda @jaycuda
since i combed the blue jay's hair earlier here is the cardinal with combed hair
⚾ #MLB #Baseball #MNTwins #StLCards
Solano double scores two.
MIN 3-1. T7.
#mlb #baseball #mntwins #stlcards
⚾ #MLB #Baseball #MNTwins #StLCards
STL batter gets a triple after a throwing error to 1st base - but is given out because he never touched 1st base,
From being pretty pedestrian, this game turned into a error strewn action movie.
#mlb #baseball #mntwins #stlcards
⚾ #MLB #Baseball #MNTwins #StLCards
SS airmails the throw to 1st with 2 outs and the runner comes in from 3rd to score.
MIN 1-0
To the bottom of the 5th.
#mlb #baseball #mntwins #stlcards
⚾ #MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeDeadline
Via Bob Nightengale 🤖 @BNightengale
Kudos to the #Orioles for buying at the deadline with the acquisition of #STLCards starter Jack Flaherty, sending prospects Drew Rom, Cesar Prieto and Zack Showalter to St. Louis.
#mlb #baseball #mlbtradedeadline #orioles #stlcards
⚾ #MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeDeadline
Via Bob Nightengale 🤖 @BNightengale
The Baltimore #Orioles finally pounce, and are acquiring #STLCards starter Jack Flaherty. Fabulous move. @Ken_Rosenthal on it.
#mlb #baseball #mlbtradedeadline #orioles #stlcards