THOR!!!!!!!!’ #AllForCity #StLouisCitySC #MastodonFC
#mastodonfc #stlouiscitysc #allforcity
#mastodonfc #mls #stlouiscitysc
CITY2 players Walker, Jensen sent on loan
ST. LOUIS -- Two members of the St. Louis CITY2 squad were sent off on loan over the weekend. The move from the CITY SC front office has midfielder Isak Je
#MLSNews #SoccerFutbolNews #Sports #BobbyMurphy #CITY2 #DanishSuperliga #EricWalker #IsakJensen #LutzPfannenstiel #MajorLeagueSoccer #MLSNews #SoccerNews #SportsNews #StLouisCITYSC #USLChampionship #ViborgFF
#mlsnews #soccerfutbolnews #sports #bobbymurphy #city2 #danishsuperliga #ericwalker #isakjensen #lutzpfannenstiel #majorleaguesoccer #soccernews #sportsnews #stlouiscitysc #uslchampionship #viborgff
“The referee, unmoved” — theme of this game and, well, a great short story title. Hmmmm… #MLS #StLouisCITYSC #AllForCITY
#allforcity #stlouiscitysc #mls
KLAUSS IS COMING IN AT THE HALF!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 And TG Löwen is back. Whew. #StLouisCitySC #MLS #MastodonFC
#mastodonfc #mls #stlouiscitysc
I. can’t. even. #StLouisCITYSC #MastodonFC #MLS
#mls #mastodonfc #stlouiscitysc
In more news that nobody else really cares about because sports purposefully distract* and dull the minds of the masses as the world burns:
Klauss is listed as a sub tonight! Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
* I’ll be honest, my #MLS obsession this year (and the fact that the team I chose to follow is amazing) is one thing that keeps me still breathing and on the planet. So there is that.
#mastodonfc #allforcity #stlouiscitysc #mls
The game hasn’t even STARTED and I am all like #CALMDOWNTAYLORTWELLMAN #StopYelling already.
#LeaguesCup #LeoMessi #Messi #InterMiamiCF #MastodonFC #TheMessiEffect #MLS
TG for the #AppleTV Spanish language feed.
Also Sergio Busquets #Busi #5 is THE unsung #GOAT, y’all. Messi seems so happy and relaxed, having him on the team.
I’m not even a Miami fan! Or, err… can I be both? #StLouisCITYSC
#stlouiscitysc #goat #busi #appletv #mls #themessieffect #mastodonfc #InterMiamiCF #messi #leomessi #leaguescup #stopyelling #calmdowntaylortwellman
CITYPARK to host 2023 Bronze Boot
ST. LOUIS -- The home of Major League Soccer's St. Louis CITY SC, CITYPARK, can now add another event to its schedule: the Bronze Boot.
The Bronze Boot is one of NCAA’s most anticipated socce
#GeneralNews #NCAANews #NCAASoccer #SoccerFutbolNews #Sports #CITYPARK #NCAASoccer #SaintLouisUniversity #SoccerNews #SouthernIllinoisUniversityEdwardsville #SportsNews #StLouisCITYSC
#generalnews #ncaanews #ncaasoccer #soccerfutbolnews #sports #citypark #saintlouisuniversity #soccernews #southernillinoisuniversityedwardsville #sportsnews #stlouiscitysc
CITY SC drops League Cup opener 2-1
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The four-hour-long weather delay at Columbus' Field certai
#MLSNews #SoccerFutbolNews #Sports #BradleyCarnell #ClioPompeu #ChucoHernndez #ClubAmrica #ColumbusCrew #IndianaVassilev #JacenRussellRowe #LeaguesCup #LIGAMX #LucasZelarayn #MLSNews #MohamedFarsi #NicholasGioacchini #SamuelAdeniran #SoccerNews #SportsNews #StLouisCITYSC #YevhenCheberko
#mlsnews #soccerfutbolnews #sports #bradleycarnell #cliopompeu #chucohernndez #clubamrica #columbuscrew #indianavassilev #jacenrussellrowe #leaguescup #ligamx #lucaszelarayn #mohamedfarsi #nicholasgioacchini #samueladeniran #soccernews #sportsnews #stlouiscitysc #yevhencheberko
Watching the #SKC #CIN #LeaguesCup game tonight as #StLouisCITYSC game is delayed due to weather — feeling like I was watching the 2000 Wizards for the first few minutes — those unexpected goals! Whoa! #MLS #MastodonFC
AND THEN, as I was typing this: Pulido RED CARD! WOW. 😮
AND THEN: Another own goal and a weather delay! Whoooooaaa!
#mastodonfc #mls #stlouiscitysc #leaguescup #cin #skc
I’ve been thinking about our stellar # 1 keeper, Roman Bürki, and how his first season with #StLouisCITYSC has reminded me of how much I adored Tony Meola back in the day, so I’ll just go ahead and say it: MVP, baby! He’s got a chance… #MLS #MastodonFC
#mastodonfc #mls #stlouiscitysc
So I *am* planning to watch #MLS InterMiami’s #LeaguesCup game with Cruz Azul this evening, if only to see if #Messi starts/plays.
I was incredibly proud of the #StLouisCITYSC shutout of Miami and am sad we don’t play them again in the regular season.
I am interested to see how their play shifts 1) at home and 2) with a new #10.
My swift conversion to Messi fandom reminds me of the #BlackBooks episode “Travel Writer”.
I am unashamed. More soccer!
#mastodonfc #blackbooks #stlouiscitysc #messi #leaguescup #mls
#MLSAllStar #StLouisCitySC #MLS #MastodonFC
Are my St. Louis players (#RomanBürki and #TimParker ) on the team not as amazing as I believe they are, or are the guys the commentators are bigging up just more flashy because they are mostly strikers and midfielders?
I think everyone is just in denial about how shockingly well St. Louis is doing in the standings, tbh. 🤷🏽
I am looking forward to this game tonight and hope “my” guys get some time on the field! Wish my scarf had arrived. ☹️
#timparker #romanburki #mastodonfc #mls #stlouiscitysc #MLSAllStar
Tuned in for the second half of #StLouisCitySC game tonight. What a treat! 😍
I was confused because I had just awoken from a nap and was wondering why Bürki was wearing number 39 🤣 (different keeper, duh — watching on an iPad, so everybody is the size of bees🐝).
It was awesome to see some of our “other” players on the field tonight playing really well. I’ve become a big fan of Perez and definitely Williams.
We #STL fans are so lucky!
Speedy recovery, #KLAUSS 😍❗️
#mastodonfc #klauss #stl #stlouiscitysc
My guess before the game was that the final score would be 3-1 St. Louis. We’ve got 3 goals now… will Bürki get a clean sheet or no? #MLS #StLouisCity #StLouisCitySC
#stlouiscitysc #StLouisCity #mls
Also, for people wondering how #StLouisCitySC has such a solid and fanatical fan base already — best to learn something about the history of #soccer in St. Louis and the amazing community programs that the entire franchise is involved in. There is nothing like it in #MLS. Built from the ground up. Really really cool!
Hey, #MLS fans — if you’re NOT happy with the regular audio feed/announcers, (and I know many of you are), I just found that there is a separate audio feed of #LOCAL #RADIO available in Apple TV’s choices. I am actually listening to local radio guys YELL! after that #JaredStroud goal, and it’s way cooler than the regular audio feed. #StLouisCitySC #MastodonFC
#mastodonfc #stlouiscitysc #jaredstroud #Radio #local #mls
That #mls delay for #StLouisCitySC vs #cincinnati is the same storm that tore through here (Eastern #Kansas) a few hours ago. It’s nothing to be messed with! Stay safe, City. ❤️ #mastodonFC
#mastodonfc #kansas #cincinnati #stlouiscitysc #mls