Third Party deliver long-awaited ID ‘Thee Chords (Feel So High)’ via STMPD RCRDS #2023_04_26 #dancing_astronaut #jake_gable #music #martin_garrix #stmp #stmpd_rcrds #thee_chords #thee_chords_feel_so_high #third_party
#2023_04_26 #dancing_astronaut #jake_gable #music #martin_garrix #stmp #stmpd_rcrds #thee_chords #thee_chords_feel_so_high #third_party
Is possible to have a passable #UX when bridging #email with #matrix?
I'm thinking that the ability to CC people will be complicated with perfect forward secrecy (matrix doesn't have that though IIRC), but BCC? Would that be something impossible to implement?
Message forwarding should work pretty well though 🤔
Maybe a plugin that spins up a fake #STMP server that forwards everything to matrix? So when you create an account on a server, you also get an email with it.
Pon un Honeypot en tu vida #blog #alertar #chameleon #curioso #detectar #dns #elasticsearch #escaneo #honeypot #honeypots #http #http_proxy #https #imap #intruso #ldap #monitorizar #mssql #mysql #pop3 #postgres #prevenir #puertos #ransomware #rdp #redis #smb #socks5 #ssh #stmp #telnet #vnc
#blog #detectar #dns #escaneo #honeypot #http #http_proxy #https #imap #intruso #ldap #monitorizar #pop3 #postgres #ransomware #rdp #redis #socks5 #ssh #telnet #smb #stmp #vnc #elasticsearch #alertar #chameleon #curioso #honeypots #mssql #mysql #prevenir #puertos