... no AI loophole ...
consider this, when you already hyped giddy to use #SALAMI (some argue that stuff to be A.I., as in artificial intelligence and overhyped call it AGI)
#stochasticparrots #salami #ftc
I’ve been reading news articles about Generative #AI that try to say that #LLM systems having “knowledge” that “nobody taught [them]” is some kind of gotcha proving they’re not #StochasticParrots.
Um, hello, yes. Have you considered that the “knowledge” is just our interpretation of confident and effective usage of language? Maybe knowing a relationship between words and phrases doesn’t imply that you know what those phrases mean?
This seems more of an indictment of the actual usefulness of the bar exam (for example) rather than an indicator of intelligence tbh.
*gets an email from stackoverflow characterizing the output of their new value-add LLM feature as "trustworthy" and "accurate"*
uhhhh that's a nope, chief
#LLM #AI #SALAMI #StochasticParrots #PleaseDearGodStopTheHypeCycle
#llm #ai #salami #stochasticparrots #pleasedeargodstopthehypecycle
Could we just stop calling a #machine "intelligent" if it can't even count up to three and has no clue what a hand is or what it is for? #stochastic #stochasticparrots #statistics not #ai, #intelligence #intelligenceartificielle #realistic
#midjourney #stablediffusion #aiart
#machine #stochastic #stochasticparrots #statistics #ai #intelligence #intelligenceartificielle #realistic #midjourney #stablediffusion #aiart
Das »kompetent« bitte streichen. ChatGPT und andere LLMs sind nicht an Fakten gebunden, sondern kombinieren und plappern alles nach, was irgendwann irgendwer ins Internet getippt hat. Evt. auch Spam.
Fachliteratur liefere ich gern. Vielleicht reicht #stochasticParrots zum Einstieg.
Dass dieser Chatbot einen offiziösen Tonfall imitieren kann, macht ihn noch gefährlicher, weil ihm Unbedarfte dadurch Kompetenz zuschreiben, die er nicht hat.
@Eceni 'Artificial Intelligence' research used to be my day job, although I'm not really up to speed with current work.
I do believe that Artificial General Intelligence is possible in the very long term; I believe that Alan Turing's paper On Computable Numbers proves this.
But I also believe we're a VERY long way from it, and that #StochasticParrots will not prove a fruitful line of approach.
Semantic models are necessary!
I tried to use a large language model to structure knowledge this evening, and... I'm not persuaded.
"The #technical phenomenon is the preoccupation of the vast majority of people of our time to seek in all things, the absolutely most efficient method".
Wrote Jacques #Ellul in his book "Le Système technicien".
#efficiency #technocriticism #ethics #sociology #engineering #quotes #AI #ChatGPT #digitalisation #philosophy #ethicalAI #AIEthics #technology #tech #stochasticParrots #generativeAI
#generativeAI #stochasticparrots #Tech #Technology #aiethics #ethicalai #philosophy #digitalisation #chatgpt #AI #quotes #engineering #sociology #ethics #technocriticism #efficiency #ellul #technical
"The #technical phenomenon is the preoccupation of the vast majority of people of our time to seek in all things, the absolutely most efficient method".
Wrote Jacques #Ellul in his book "Le Système technicien".
#efficiency #technocriticism #ethics #sociology #engineering #quotes #AI #ChatGPT #digitalisation #philosophy #ethicalAI #AIEthics #technology #tech #stochasticParrots #generativeAI
#generativeAI #stochasticparrots #Tech #Technology #aiethics #ethicalai #philosophy #digitalisation #chatgpt #AI #quotes #engineering #sociology #ethics #technocriticism #efficiency #ellul #technical
Don’t say we didn’t warn about this in #StochasticParrots, particularly section 4. https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7bdba/ai-is-tearing-wikipedia-apart
I just started using Bard to help me learn Google Cloud console.
I’m considering the various models, but need an AI assistant and Learning & Development (#EdTech space) to search and discover the appropriate context.
Otherwise, democratized machine learning apps are like the Library of Alexandria without a card catalog or a Hypatia to explain the Gods of Lies™ and what you need
#GoogleCloud #learning #democratization #AIapps #librarian #cybrarian #GoogleBard #stochasticparrots
#edtech #googlecloud #learning #democratization #aiapps #librarian #cybrarian #googlebard #stochasticparrots
Proof that even people can be #StochasticParrots when they repeat things without understanding the context
Shot via @ubiquity75: https://dair-community.social/@ubiquity75/110297213112879270
Chaser via @adamconover: https://youtu.be/jAHRbFetqII
Featuring @emilymbender & @timnitGebru
#stochasticparrots #paradigmshift #ReadTheFootnotes #LLMs #GenerativeAI
#stochasticparrots #paradigmshift #readthefootnotes #LLMs #generativeAI
a colleague of mine, an expert in NLP and driving a community at my employer, called me the other day "You are our Emily.".
My attempts to educate my colleagues doesn't go unheard.
Thanks @emilymbender , @timnitGebru and @DAIR
every single time a hyped A.I. a #SALAMI antidote comment is applied by me pointing to your contributions.
PS: I refused the intended compliment, just being little old me.
Gerade im ICE einen Gesprächsfetzen mitgehört von vier Marketing-Mitarbeiterinnen eines nicht identifizierten Unternehmens, in dem der Satz fiel: "Ich schreibe jede E-Mail mit ChatGPT."
Jetzt denke ich darüber nach. Einerseits gehen dadurch berufliche Grundfähigkeiten verloren, andererseits entsteht hier auch ein neues Berufsbild von Maschinen-Bediener*innen, für die generative KI ein massiver Ideen- und Output-Beschleuniger sein wird.
#llm #stochasticparrots #chatgpt
If it weren't for Artificial "Intelligence", the GOP wouldn't have any intelligence at all.
What is the training data of #LLMs?
#GenerativeAI / #stochasticParrots get education from everything we ever wrote for the web.
An article by Scott Rosenberg @scottros: https://www.axios.com/2023/04/24/ai-chatgpt-blogs-web-writing-training-data #dataGovernance @dataGovernance #copyright #microBlogging #webPublishing #blogging #blogs
#LLMs #generativeAI #stochasticparrots #datagovernance #copyright #microblogging #webpublishing #blogging #blogs