@ldebowsk Adding variants of the #HashTags ...
(Just to help discoverability)
#universalcoding #powerlaw #neuralnetwork #largelanguagemodel #algorithmicrandomness #KolmogorovComplexity #excessentropy #stochasticprocess #informationtheory #mutualinformation #hashtags
#introduction I am an evolutionary biologist interested by the origins of life and evolutionary transitions in individuality #ETI. I do #theory inspired by #ExperimentalEvolution.
I'd like to understand how living systems emerge and change scale.
I enjoy various approaches such as #Math #Models (#StochasticProcess, #DynamicalSystems, and #AdaptiveDynamics in particular), #PhilosophyOfScience, #Bioinformatics and #Dataviz.
I am a #FOSS and #OpenScience enthusiast. Nice to meet you all !
#introduction #eti #theory #ExperimentalEvolution #math #models #stochasticprocess #dynamicalsystems #AdaptiveDynamics #philosophyofscience #bioinformatics #dataviz #foss #OpenScience