@stux what is usually completely ignored is the #ViolenceCulture that has #Mainstream #MassMedia normalize #StochasticTerorrism and reward said perpertrators with #Screentime, honouring them with "Martyrdom" even outside of #Hategrooming forums like #KiwiFarms...
Because the problem is what people do to other people, not whether they chose a self-loading gun, an IED, chemistry, a knife or axe to hurt and kill.
#kiwifarms #hategrooming #screentime #stochasticterorrism #massmedia #mainstream #violenceculture
@MeidasRomi Again: The problem is the #Violenceculture that #reawards #StochasticTerorrism with #PropagandaOfTheDeed by #MassMedia...
But hating on an inanimate boject is far easier than looking at the facts, because there are nations with more and easier access to firearms yet less mass shootings per capita.
#massmedia #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterorrism #reawards #violenceculture
Cuz at this point this should be deemed #StochasticTerorrism and combatted as #Terrorism...
#terrorism #stochasticterorrism
@DeanObeidallah they want #StochasticTerorrism just as much as #mainstream #MassMedia wants it:
Except the latter one are just greedy asshiles and the former one believe they'd be winning any kind of civil war they long for...
#massmedia #mainstream #stochasticterorrism
@jayulfelder *nodds in agreement*
What people allow is what will continue.
What is needed are actual #accountability and #consequences for said #StochasticTerorrism.
Because that's missing here...
Instead we have #Mainstream #MassMedia doing #PropagandaOfTheDeed for said aggressors and rewarding them with #screentime!
#screentime #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainstream #stochasticterorrism #consequences #accountability
@muzikant @rbreich @TenaciousUnicornRanch the problem ain't guns, but a #ViolenceCulture that embraces #StochasticTerorrism and #mainsteam #MassMedia doing #PropagandaOfTheDeed!
Otherwise places Like Canada, Switzerland, Serbia, Slovenia, Finland and Gernany would have the same amount of "advanced suicides" per capita and [il-]legal guns as the USA - but they don't!
Guess why?
#propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainsteam #stochasticterorrism #violenceculture
Guess why?
#Mainsteam #MassMedia love those acts of #StochasticTerorrism and thus push #PropagandaOfTheDeed...
And that's why the USA has the highest rate of gun deaths per capita worldwide outside of warzones line Mexico [U.S. - led "War on Drugs"], Yemen [USA+KSA/Iran Proxy War]...
#propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterorrism #massmedia #mainsteam
@navitas72 #FACT: The problem are #Mainstream #MassMedia supoorting #StochasticTerorrism by #PropagandaOfTheDeed:
#propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterorrism #massmedia #mainstream #fact