@amberage ngl that is an issue, tho I'd say that a lot of words (in.this example #based) have changed meanings.
Unlike some vocabulary like "troon" which is exclusive to beyond-#StochasticTerrorosm & #hatefrooming site KiwiFarms!
But yeah a lot of people don't seem to reflect upon theor past...
#hatefrooming #stochasticterrorosm #based
@12thRITS I find the wording to be bs and the bans absurd because they completely ignore the inconvenient truth for bare optics.
Guns ain't tue problem.
The people that use them and more importantly those that reward said cowards with screentime aka. #PropagandaOfTheDeed and thus support #StochasticTerrorosm are the problem!
#stochasticterrorosm #propagandaofthedeed