@AnarchoNinaWrites #StockBuyBacks are a classic example of #UselessEaters #EatTheRich
#stockBuybacks #uselesseaters #EatTheRich
@rbreich #stockbuybacks were illegal until 1982, weren’t they ? #Reagan #GOP #corporatism #antitrust #economy
#stockBuybacks #reagan #gop #corporatism #antitrust #economy
That's just honesty, though.
The art imitating life. There are no guarantees in life.
The #proprietarySoftware scene may have a bit more momentum from the #moneyPump post-1971, from Epstein-type backing *cough* *#Microshaft, c'flare, and lucrative govt contracts and collusion with organised crime like the ClA (#SpaceX).
From advert campaigns funded by ever lower interestRates (Ggle, Amzn), #stockBuyBacks (Apple), taxAvoidance etc.
Honestly, #FOSS is what you MAKE IT.
#proprietarysoftware #moneyPump #microshaft #spacex #stockBuybacks #foss
Corporations and corrupt #CEOs have benefitted from #covidResponse division too. While we are "lockedDown" and atomised they have unlocked more (previously) criminal revenue streams such as those from #stockBuyBacks and other #fraud. It bears repeating, fraud and #economicGerrymandering (aka #cronyism) is being under and mis-reported due to the #medicalTheatre.
Lying is wrong. We cannot use #covid to help our #environment. In fact corporations have… 3/4
#CEOs #covidResponse #stockBuybacks #fraud #economicGerrymandering #cronyism #medicalTheatre #covid #environment
Cast your mind now to that eighth cup of #coffee they are #microdosing on at #work in a #uselessJob they hate, to boost a #stockPrice that will go up anyway because the boss engages in #stockBuybacks and other tricks with cheap credit, printed for them by their friends at the #CentralBank.
Circa 1998
#coffee #microdosing #work #uselessJob #stockprice #stockBuybacks #centralbank
Too much priceFixing, #stockBuybacks, speculation and algorithmic trading in the #stockMarket? #bitcoinCanHelp
#stockBuybacks #stockmarket #bitcoinCanHelp #bitcoinCanHelpNo254 #bitcoin
"A little bit of trust saves you a fortune".
"A *little bit* of trust"?
Saves *who* a fortune?
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianAssange #wikileaks #swift #IMF #GFC #bailouts #wallstreet #negativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #GFC #venezuela #gold #regimeChange #swift #UK #goldTheft #USA #VietnamWar #iran #libya #ClintonFoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #MIC #MMT #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianassange #wikileaks #swift #imf #gfc #bailouts #wallstreet #NegativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #venezuela #gold #regimechange #uk #goldTheft #usa #vietnamwar #iran #libya #clintonfoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #mic #mmt #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
"A little bit of trust saves you a fortune".
"A *little bit* of trust"?
Saves *who* a fortune?
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianAssange #wikileaks #swift #IMF #GFC #bailouts #wallstreet #negativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #GFC #venezuela #gold #regimeChange #swift #UK #goldTheft #USA #VietnamWar #iran #libya #ClintonFoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #MIC #MMT #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
#bailouts #wallstreet #NegativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #venezuela #gold #regimechange #uk #goldTheft #usa #vietnamwar #iran #libya #clintonfoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #mic #mmt #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy #moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianassange #wikileaks #swift #imf #gfc