Nikhil 🐧 · @realestninja
36 followers · 86 posts · Server

For the past 9 years I was using and .
Now I feel like I'm a spoiled brat 🥲

I want to make my daily driver and it is like a reality check on how actually feels like, when it is not sugarcoated 😆 I am in pain!

My first gripe: how do I get rid of the white bar at the bottom? (Who needs it?)

I feel like I need to make a bunch of adjustments before I can feel comfortable using it. This is NOT GrapheneOS' fault. It is simply stockandroid.

#cyanogenmod #oxygenos #android #grapheneos #stockandroid

Last updated 1 year ago

· @elbast
10 followers · 691 posts · Server

@PaulB @reticuleena @glsbank @vegos_f06 @T1M_Or
Ich meine das STOCK Android ist doch offen. Und darauf basiert dann auch das ein oder andere CustomROM wie z.B. @GrapheneOS und somit nutze ich Android ohne eine Geschäftsbeziehung zur Datenkrake .

#customroms #stockandroid #grapheneos #android #google #gesetzesbrecher

Last updated 1 year ago

@Android Welcome to the stock android fan club!! To join the fan club follow and chat in the hashtag!

#stockandroid #Android

Last updated 2 years ago

POUJOL-ROST Mathias ✅ · @poujolrost
273 followers · 10759 posts · Server