By chance I saw Jeff Witscher & Jack Callahan (NYC, Flea Rec.) play "The Price is WRONG" twice in the last two weeks, Barcelona & Berlin.
For anyone delving in depression over the current state of electronic music
- and/or suffering from the "Stockhausen Syndrome" -
i much recommend the antidote of attending one of their upcoming shows.
This is quick, hyper-associative, Supercollider-controlled and vocal performance and music.
It will not permit sleepiness. It'll rather bring your chewed mind up to the necessary speeds, besides a quick, composed, associative approach you can finally also just enjoy yourself. Excellntly executed while Including border-crashing humor and self irony.
Tour dates in Europe
Please share with frustrated or historically hanging parties:
18th: Liège
19th: Cologne
20th: Vienna
21st: Antwerp
22nd: Zurich
23rd: Copenhagen
24th: Paris
25th: Porto
Don't miss it.
#flea #flearecords #jeffwitscher #jackcallahan #nwemusic #nyc #touring #stockhausensyndrome #followerpower
#followerpower #stockhausensyndrome #touring #nyc #nwemusic #jackcallahan #jeffwitscher #flearecords #flea