Today I discovered #BloomScrolling. I can highly recommend it.
Here are some blooms from my local patch in #stockport.
Today's #ride was what Monday's would have been if I hadn't gotten double impact punctures on the #PinarelloMarvel. Not a problem on #tubeless and #OsgarTheOrro never lets me down! 55km done heading south from mine to just past #ManchesterAirport and turn for home at #Wilmslow. After Wilmslow is #Woodford where this shared path section starts and takes you all the way to #HazelGrove, near #Stockport, about 5km. Sweet! Got home just as my wife rang our son for tech support on how to tether her phone to her Chromebook while she was at her brother's. Invoice is emailed!
#Orro #cycling #OrroBikes #BikeTooter #BikeToot #FromWhereIRide #OutsideIsFree #CyclingIsLife #MrsCaseysTechSupportHowCanIHelp #CyclingIsAwesome
#manchesterairport #ride #pinarellomarvel #tubeless #osgartheorro #wilmslow #woodford #hazelgrove #stockport #orro #cycling #orrobikes #BikeTooter #biketoot #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #cyclingislife #mrscaseystechsupporthowcanihelp #cyclingisawesome
On Saturday we toured some of GM's newest walking and cycling infrastructure with Stockport councillors James Frizzell, Pete West and Geoff Abell - thanks for coming along! See alt text explaining what we saw along the way👀 #Cycling #Everydaycycling #Stockport #Manchester #Salford
#cycling #everydaycycling #stockport #manchester #salford
#DukinfieldCC club run, 20/08/2023, from The Rising Sun, #HazelGrove, #Stockport, is to the Pool Cafe (underneath the #lido), in #Hathersage, #HopeValley.
If you're in the Stockport/Manchester area and fancy a nice, hilly(ish) 80km bike ride with a nice climb up #AbneyMoor after the cafe stop, come along!
We meet at the back of the #RisingSun at 9.30am for a 9.45am set off.
All are welcome and NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND!
#Duks #ClubRun #cycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter #SundayCycling #BringYourTrunksOrCossie #LeisureCycling #Manchester #ManchesterCyclists #StockportCyclists
#dukinfieldcc #hazelgrove #stockport #Lido #hathersage #hopevalley #abneymoor #risingsun #duks #clubrun #cycling #biketoot #BikeTooter #sundaycycling #bringyourtrunksorcossie #leisurecycling #manchester #manchestercyclists #stockportcyclists
Baseball and Bombers - USAAF Reconnaissance Photography During the Second World War:
The United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) reconnaissance aircraft flew hundreds of sorties over England during the Second World War. The Historic England Archive holds a USAAF collection of over 20,000 photographs that records airfields, military bases, towns, and countryside in England between 1943 and 1944.
#manchester #salford #stockport #photography
Lovely afternoon enjoying Stockport Pride at the marketplace. Thanks everyone who worked so hard to make it a big success #Pride #Stockport #StockportPride
#pride #stockport #stockportpride
A couple of the #VeganBeers I purchased recently from Thirst Class Ales in #Reddish, #Stockport. The pale ale is Beer For Faye, by #Vaux Brewery, #Sunderland. The dark ale is HYG, a Peanut, Caramel & Marshmallow “Milk” Stout from #BrewYork in, er, #York! Both absolutely delicious, especially the #VeganMilk Stout.
#VeganStout #VeganPaleAle #Beer #Ale ##IsFayeSniffingHerArmpitOrAtAFestivalOrGigOrSomething #Vegan
#vegan #veganbeers #reddish #stockport #vaux #sunderland #brewyork #york #veganmilk #veganstout #veganpaleale #beer #ale #isfayesniffingherarmpitoratafestivalorgigorsomething
I've known these guys since 1978!
A very good night out last night.
#bullshead #highlane #stockport
#FettLife #beer #friends #stockport #highlane #bullshead
Gutted that my local brewery, Thirst Class Ale ( is closing soon. Current climate, etc. I buy my bottles and cans from them, more or less, monthly. Their own beers are great but they sell lots and lots of #vegan beers from other breweries, too. They're selling off their stock so fill your boots off you're near to #Manchester and #Stockport.
Anyway, over just placed, possibly, my last order with them. 😭
Looks like I'm on the lookout for another brewery... #VeganBeer #Beer #VeganAle #Ale #SupportYourLocalBusinesses #RealAle #Breweries
#vegan #manchester #stockport #veganbeer #beer #veganale #ale #supportyourlocalbusinesses #realale #breweries
Sk8er Boi makes me realise that SK8 is a Stockport post code, one which covers Cheadle Hulme where my grandfather went to school.
It's the #AvrilLavigne / #Stockport crossover I never knew I needed!
The CHYPS cast will be performing at the Wilmslow Community Show tomorrow!
We’ll be at the Bandstand, starting at 2.10pm.
#Wilmslow #Cheshire #AlderleyEdge #Handforth #Macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #Stockport #HealdGreen #Altrincham #Knutsford #Chelford #Gatley
#Wilmslow #Cheshire #alderleyedge #handforth #macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #stockport #HealdGreen #altrincham #knutsford #chelford #gatley
Working over Stockport way today, and took the opportunity to get a drone pic of one of the seven wonders of erm, Stockport. Behold the glory of the Stopfordian Valley of the Kings etc… #pyramid #stockport #commercial #officebuilding #greatermanchester #stockportpyramid #djimavic3classic #dronephotography
#pyramid #stockport #commercial #officebuilding #greatermanchester #stockportpyramid #djimavic3classic #dronephotography
📍: Bridge 18, Possetts Bridge
ℹ️: road bridge
📸: Photo by Adam Bruderer on Flickr
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #pub #stockport #camra #realale #robinsons #stockportandsouthmanchester
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #pub #stockport #camra #realale #robinsons #stockportandsouthmanchester
Too tense to live toot the League Two playoff final. Stockport lead following a large slice of luck in the form of an own goal but I'd say we were slightly the better side in the first half. Carlisle are still very much a threat though and there's all to play for in the second half.
#football #soccer #englishfootball #playofffinal #stockportcounty #carlisleunited #stockport #carlisle
I recently came across this chap, and think his artwork both attractive and witty. His name is Erik Jackson, and he lives in Stockport, named as "Greater Manchester Town of Culture 2023". The example is his response to this pretension.
#stockport #manchester #art #humour #culture
Stockport, United Kingdom: Fireaway Pizza | Rating: 4.4 #pizza #stockport
Guess who the CHYPS cast and director Sally bumped into at the Alderley Edge May Fair this morning! Ewan McGregor! @alderleymayfair #AlderleyEdge #Wilmslow #Cheshire #Handforth #Macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #Stockport #HealdGreen #Altrincham #Knutsford #Chelford #Gatley
#alderleyedge #Wilmslow #Cheshire #handforth #macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #stockport #HealdGreen #altrincham #knutsford #chelford #gatley
Did you see the CHYPS cast at the Alderley Edge May Fair this morning?! We had a fantastic morning and we hope you did too! What amazing weather! @alderleymayfair #AlderleyEdge #Wilmslow #Cheshire #Handforth #Macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #Stockport #HealdGreen #Altrincham #Knutsford #Chelford #Gatley
#alderleyedge #Wilmslow #Cheshire #handforth #macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #stockport #HealdGreen #altrincham #knutsford #chelford #gatley
The CHYPS cast will be leading the parade at the Alderley Edge May Fair tomorrow morning at 11am! Despite the rain today the weather forecast for tomorrow is glorious! Come along and give us a wave and enjoy the whole event. @alderleymayfair #AlderleyEdge #Wilmslow #Cheshire #Handforth #Macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #Stockport #HealdGreen #Altrincham #Knutsford #Chelford #Gatley
#alderleyedge #Wilmslow #Cheshire #handforth #macclesfield #Poynton #Cheadle #Bramhall #stockport #HealdGreen #altrincham #knutsford #chelford #gatley
Stockport, United Kingdom: Pizza Uno | Rating: 4.7 #pizza #stockport