Our Pantotastic Countdown has begun Plaza Mastodon Pals!.....Rehearsals are sensational, the cast are fabulous and CINDERELLA starring CHERYL FERGISON with PHIL MEALEY and full supporting cast starts THIS THURSDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2022 until SUNDAY 8TH JANUARY 2023.... Book Now! https://stockportplaza.co.uk/whats-on/cinderella/ #Pantomime #Panto #Stockport #Stockportplaza #Cinderella #itsbehindyou #ohyesitis
#pantomime #panto #stockport #stockportplaza #cinderella #itsbehindyou #ohyesitis
Huzzahhhh!.....The North Pole Elves have arrived for our first 'Breakfast With Santa' of the Festive Season and they have been welcomed to Plazaland by Bradley one of our Dynamic Duo Chef Team as we count down to Santa Claus arriving at The Plaza today!....Yo Ho Ho! #christmas #santa #fatherchristmas #stockportplaza #stockport #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas
#christmas #santa #FatherChristmas #stockportplaza #stockport #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas
We are delighted Plaza Mastodon Pals to be able to share these beautiful images of Lisa and Darren's Wedding Day with you that was celebrated here at The Plaza on what was a truly wonderful day.
Thank you Lisa and Darren for giving us permission to share these beautiful photos and all of us here at The Plaza wish you both a very happy and loving future together xxx #stockport #stockportplaza #wedding
#stockport #stockportplaza #wedding
It's almost CINDERELLA PANTO SEASON Plaza Mastodon Pals!....Ohhhhh yes it is!......and our Event Board is now on glorious display oustide The Plaza 🙂 ...... SOOO EXCITED!!!
Tickets for our sensational Family Pantomime CINDERELLA starring CHERYL FERGISON with PHIL MEALEY and Full Supporting cast can be booked in person at The Stockport Plaza, by calling our Booking Line on 0161 477 7779 or by visiting www.stockportplaza.co.uk
#stockport #stockportplaza #panto #cinderella #itsbehindyou