The Tyee: Inside the Quest to Chart the Seafloor by 2030 #bcnews #TheTyee - via #TheDeepestMap:TheHigh-StakesRacetoCharttheWorld'sOceans #InternationalSeabedAuthority #chemosyntheticenvironments #Clarion-Clippertonzone #FiveDeepsExpedition #CassieBongiovanni #TheDeepestMapbook #PuertoRicoTrench #Titansubmersible #LauraTrethewey #deepseamining #RobertBallard #VictorVescovo #OceanGateCEO #StocktonRush #MarieTharp
#BCNews #TheTyee #thedeepestmap #internationalseabedauthority #chemosyntheticenvironments #clarion #fivedeepsexpedition #cassiebongiovanni #thedeepestmapbook #puertoricotrench #titansubmersible #lauratrethewey #DeepSeaMining #robertballard #victorvescovo #oceangateceo #stocktonrush #marietharp
Gizmodo: NASA and OceanGate Had an Agreement to Test a Model of the Titan Submersible #draftoceangatetitanicexpedition #titansubmersibleimplosion #wreckofthetitanic #davidlochridge #carbonfibers #stocktonrush #submersible #oceangate #titan
#draftoceangatetitanicexpedition #titansubmersibleimplosion #wreckofthetitanic #davidlochridge #carbonfibers #stocktonrush #submersible #oceangate #titan
Gizmodo: OceanGate Co-Founder Wants to Send 1,000 People to Venus—What Could Go Wrong? #guillermosohnlein #planetarysurface #stocktonrush #submersible #environment #oceangate #venus #titan
#guillermosohnlein #planetarysurface #stocktonrush #submersible #environment #oceangate #venus #titan
Does #Antifa or #Socialism have a means of giving people a posthumous #medal, I wonder? I suspect Stockton Rush would be high on their list:
> “He definitely knew it was going to end like this [...]" Stanley said. “He was the last person to murder two #billionaires at once and have them pay for the privilege.”
> “I think Stockton was designing a mousetrap for billionaires,” Stanley added.
#AntifaHQ #StocktonRush #Oceangate #Titan #BuildABetterMousetrap #Awards
#Awards #buildabettermousetrap #titan #oceangate #stocktonrush #antifaHQ #billionaires #Medal #socialism #Antifa
Tech (Global News): Titan implosion an ‘extreme outlier’ in deep-sea exploration, says Cameron #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #titandisaster #JamesCameron #StocktonRush #PolarPrince #Submersible #Impolsion #OceanGate #Politics #Canada #Titan #Tech
#globalnews #technews #technology #titandisaster #jamescameron #stocktonrush #polarprince #submersible #impolsion #oceangate #politics #Canada #Titan #Tech
I'd like to be remembered as an innovator. I think it was General [Douglas] MacArthur who said, 'You're remembered for the rules you break…And I've broken some rules to make this. I think I've broken them with logic and good engineering behind me." —#StocktonRush #TitanSubmersible
#stocktonrush #titansubmersible
I asked #BingChat (creative) to write a nursery rhyme about a billionaire visiting the Titanic wreck in his submersible
The chatbot generated something a bit dark
Notice that I made no mention of #Titan, #StocktonRush, or #OceanGate and it doesn't look like it did a specific Internet search for the prompt
#bingchat #titan #stocktonrush #oceangate #generativeai #largelanguagemodels
The parallels in language between #StocktonRush and so so many tech bros are fascinating to me. Not particularly surprising, but fascinating nonetheless.
Stockton Rush claimed that regulations and steps like classing would get in the way of innovation and that his sub could not be tested except by _his_ company. So innovative!
Meanwhile we have manned submersibles that don't even count the #titanic depth as a dive for classing purposes because it is so shallow. #Titan
Gizmodo: OceanGate Suspends All Operations in the Aftermath of Titan Implosion #paulhenrinargeolet #paulhenrynargeolet #wreckofthetitanic #disasteraccident #davidlochridge #shahzadadawood #hamishharding #stocktonrush #submersible #blueorigin #oceangate #suleman #gizmodo #titan #elmer
#paulhenrinargeolet #paulhenrynargeolet #wreckofthetitanic #disasteraccident #davidlochridge #shahzadadawood #hamishharding #stocktonrush #submersible #blueorigin #oceangate #suleman #gizmodo #titan #elmer
#OceanGate CEO #StocktonRush said the glue holding the #Titan submersible’ carbon-fibre hull together was "like peanut butter" #press
#oceangate #stocktonrush #titan #press
Car into train,
Rush attended Princeton,
Arrests reported,
#stocktonrush #princeton #crash #drama #cinquain #poetry
#stocktonrush #princeton #crash #drama #cinquain #poetry
If all #billionaires were like #stocktonrush, the world would be a much better place. #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #Anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #nomorebillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
#billionaires #stocktonrush #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #NoMoreBillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
#OceanGate CEO #StocktonRush reportedly acknowledged two years ago that the #Titan submersible’s design had"broken some rules."
In a 2021 interview with Mexican YouTuber alanxelmundo, Stockton said he wished to be remembered as an innovator
Details: #press
#oceangate #stocktonrush #titan #press
tfw you finally have enough discretionary income to lash out on a (discounted, introductory offer) subscription to #TheNewYorker.
Time to go back to all of those links I saved for the day when the paywall was no barrier.
Props to @Dhmspector for the tweet and @dropbear for the boost of the article about #StocktonRush and the #Titan. You gave me the nudge I needed. Muchas gracias.
#thenewyorker #stocktonrush #titan
#OceanGate's CEO, #StocktonRush, has been accused of actively seeking out wealthy clients to participate in his costly deep-sea submersible trips to the #Titanic.
Read more here: #press
#oceangate #stocktonrush #titanic #press
#OceanGate CEO #StocktonRush's reckless behavior and disregard for safety have come to light. He boasted about breaking rules in a interview. #press
#oceangate #stocktonrush #press
#OceanGate's CEO, #StocktonRush, has been accused of actively seeking out wealthy clients to participate in his costly deep-sea submersible trips to the #Titanic. #press
#oceangate #stocktonrush #titanic #press
Well, there it is. Boeing didn't help design it. They sold Mr Rush old carbon fibre they could no longer use at a substantial discount. #StocktonRush #OceanGate
Bilionário revela que CEO da OceanGate tentou convencê-lo de excursão em submersível com oferta de desconto
#SubmarinoDesaparecido #Submarino #StocktonRush #Oceangate #ViNoInstagram #Mundo #Buzz
#submarinodesaparecido #submarino #stocktonrush #oceangate #vinoinstagram #mundo #buzz
Alemão compartilha fotos do Titanic em viagem feita no Titan, e detalha experiência: ‘Muito desconfortável’
#Titanic #Titan #Submarino #StocktonRush #Oceangate #ViNoInstagram #Mundo
#titanic #Titan #submarino #stocktonrush #oceangate #vinoinstagram #mundo