#July4th #USA #CivilReligion #StolenLand #Slavery #Empire #Imperial #SoCalledIndependenceDay #America #Dogma #Doctrine #Indoctrination #IgnoranceIsStrength #DoubleSpeak
#july4th #usa #civilreligion #stolenland #slavery #empire #imperial #socalledindependenceday #america #dogma #doctrine #indoctrination #ignoranceisstrength #doublespeak
Economic #system #bootstraps: #stolenland, #desecration #disposablepeople, #degradation, #patriarchy.
#system #bootstraps #stolenland #desecration #disposablepeople #degradation #patriarchy #languagehegemony #residentialschools #monopolies #whosestandards #TaxBillionaires
Stop the #CorporateGreed fueled assaults on #MotherEarth 🌲🌎
#StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #SaveForests #UncededTerritory #NativeLand #StolenLand #Landback #FirstNations #Indigenous #NativeSovereignty #Deforestation #GreedKills #RedDress #symbolism #ProtectTheSacred #EarthProtectors #MatriarchsRising #ForestDefenders #WorthMoreStanding #ProtectOldGrowth #SaveOldGrowtg #ProtectTheWild #WildFirst #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #BritishColumbia #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest
#silentsunday #corporategreed #motherearth #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #saveforests #uncededterritory #nativeland #stolenland #Landback #firstnations #indigenous #nativesovereignty #deforestation #greedkills #reddress #symbolism #protectthesacred #earthprotectors #matriarchsrising #forestdefenders #WorthMoreStanding #protectoldgrowth #saveoldgrowtg #protectthewild #wildfirst #bcndp #newdeathparty #britishcolumbia #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest
2 #Scotus #kleptocrats positively id’d, 3 more to go,
over #stolenland use changes, 25% of global #emissions, 50 if we count #CattleWrecked #landscapes.
Because it’s always been #BigAg, #violentcowboys and #corruptgovernment!
#scotus #kleptocrats #stolenland #cattlewrecked #landscapes #bigag #violentcowboys #corruptgovernment #CarbonSinks #landback #bringbackthebuffalo #emissions #restore
@thepoliticalcat Many of the issues happening in the US, especially in regards to #Indigenous #humanrights , #StolenLand , #SystematicRacism & #Cultural #genocide & #racism & #discrimation with POC folks are the same. They're just in different areas. Same kind of ongoing colonial violence, injustice & lack of colonizers' accountability.
I tend to post similar issues from Canada & beyond. We're all in this shitbucket of capitalist colonialism hell, together.
#indigenous #humanrights #stolenland #SystematicRacism #cultural #genocide #racism #discrimation
“#Canada is sending me to #jail because I was doing the work the #colonial #government failed to do – #protecting my territory & my nation from a catastrophic #oilspill ” he said “#TsleilWaututhNation has worked for a decade to oppose the $TransMountain #pipeline , but #PrimeMinister #Trudeau #failed us, so I am left with no choice but to do whatever I can to stop it.”
#landdefender #Indigenous #FirstNations #Unceded #Native #StolenLand #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #BCPoli
#canada #jail #colonial #government #protecting #oilspill #tsleilwaututhnation #pipeline #primeminister #trudeau #failed #landdefender #indigenous #firstnations #unceded #native #stolenland #bcndp #newdeathparty #bcpoli
The government marketed #stolenland like it was a Black Friday sale. #reading #books #nativeland Book is Killers of the Flower Moon.
#stolenland #reading #books #nativeland
PS: Relevant hashtags for this thread.
#rail #canada #IndigenousRIghts #LandBack #Nanoose #Snawnawas #BC #VancouverIsland #railway #CANPoli #BCPoli #Reconciliation #StolenLand #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #CO2Reducation #EnergyEfficiency #Transportation #Highways #Cars #CarCulture #Economy #Industry #Colonialism
#rail #canada #indigenousrights #landback #nanoose #snawnawas #bc #vancouverisland #railway #canpoli #bcpoli #reconciliation #stolenland #climatechange #climateaction #co2reducation #energyefficiency #transportation #highways #cars #carculture #economy #industry #colonialism
@lizopp … and that peaceful indigenous-led resistance brought out hundrerds of police to destroy it all tonight. Sounds like people will turn out to occupy this piece of #StolenLand again.
'All Stars' means nothing on stolen land!
#stolenland #gentrification #SocialWork #utah #classwar
This is in addition to the multiple camps along Highway 55 (Hiawatha) on #StolenLand claimed by the #Minnesota Department of Transportation getting destroyed today:
#Landback #bcndp #stolenland #unceded #wsanec #ninjaseedbomber
I'm working today on beautiful unceded Bunrong Land north of the Werribee Yalook (river), a land of creeks, stars, hills and red clay.
Before invasion, the fertile soil and fish life in the waterways and bay provided an abundant food source for the Bunurong and Wadawurrung People. From my reading they would often have met their needs by early afternoon and so were known to have a rich cultural life.
This is #stolenLand. Today is the 247th anniversary of #invasionday.
Who's joining me at the #InvasionDay march and rally tomorrow in #nipaluna ?
#StolenLand #NeverCeded #ChangeTheDate #DontCelebrateAustraliaDay
#invasionday #nipaluna #stolenland #neverceded #changethedate #dontcelebrateaustraliaday
@georgetakei imagine being racist and homophobic on #stolenland. These people make me laugh.
I don't have much $$, generational wealth built from #EnslavedLabor on #StolenLand having long since petered out, & (likely) no heirs (long story) .
I'm working on finding a way to give my little spot of #LandBack. And just now, it occurred to me to wonder if there's a #BlackGenealogy group operating in VA, the Carolinas, GA, & FL that could use a spot of $? Or a group working on #reparations?
I'm new here, with few followers, & would appreciate a boost.
#enslavedlabor #stolenland #landback #blackgenealogy #reparations #will
Just a reminder that #CNRail had built rail lines on #unceded #NativeLand in #BritishColumbia (and likely elsewhere but I only speak on areas I'm knowledgeable about). None of the #BC #FirstNations have received proper apologies, much less proper #reparations to this day. Yet, #Canada #FederalGovernment & #BCgovernment has allowed CN Rail to obtain injunctions to stop activists from protesting without being immediately arrested. #LANDBACK #Indigenous #StolenLand #JusticeOverdue #NoConsent
#cnrail #unceded #nativeland #britishcolumbia #bc #firstnations #reparations #canada #federalgovernment #bcgovernment #Landback #indigenous #stolenland #justiceoverdue #noconsent
#israel #palestine #occupation #apartheid #stolenland