From English Heritage Stonehenge: "This is the first aerial photograph of Stonehenge. In fact, it's the earliest known aerial photograph of any archaeological monument in Britain. It was shot from a military air balloon in 1906 by Lieutenant Philip Henry Sharpe of the Royal Engineers’ Balloon Section." 📷: Historic England Archive
Sad to see the roadways carved straight across the prehistoric ditches. 🥺
#stonehenge #history #heritage #prehistoric #StoneCircle #histodons
#stonehenge #history #heritage #prehistoric #stonecircle #histodons
The Sighthill Stone Circle in Glasgow.
Created by Duncan Lunan in the 1970s on the site of a former chemical factory, this is thought to be the first astronomically-aligned stone circle created in over three thousand years. It was moved to a new site in the late 2010s, but it was correctly re-aligned when it was re-built.
#glasgow #sighthill #stonecircle #weirdglasgow #peoplemakeglasgow #duncanlunan #sighthillstonecircle
#sighthillstonecircle #duncanlunan #PeopleMakeGlasgow #weirdglasgow #stonecircle #sighthill #glasgow
The Aikey Brae Stone Circle stands in a wonderfully secluded location at the summit of Parkhouse Hill near Maud and is the most original, complete, and "unimproved" stone circle on view in northern Aberdeenshire. More pics and info:
#Scotland #AikeyBraeStoneCircle #StoneCircle #AikeyBrae #Aberdeenshire #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #aberdeenshire #aikeybrae #stonecircle #aikeybraestonecircle #scotland
The north side of Balbirnie Stone Circle. The circle comprises eight stones in a partial circle some 15m in diameter and was probably erected over 4,000 years ago. It stands close to the A92 on the eastern side of Glenrothes in Fife. More pics and info:
#Scotland #BalbirnieStoneCircle #Balbirnie #StoneCircle #Glenrothes #Fife #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #fife #Glenrothes #stonecircle #balbirnie #balbirniestonecircle #scotland
The Sunhoney recumbent stone circle, standing in a copse of trees near Echt in Aberdeenshire and apparently largely undisturbed since it was placed here over 4,000 years ago. More pics and info:
#Scotland #SunhoneyStoneCircle #RecumbentCircle #StoneCircle #Echt #Aberdeenshire #Sunhoney #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #sunhoney #aberdeenshire #echt #stonecircle #recumbentcircle #sunhoneystonecircle #scotland
Weather wasn't so good but the stone circle is as beautiful as the area is. Unfortunately, like many other places on Beara, no dogs allowed, so they had to wait in the car.
#Ireland #BearaPeninsula #Ardgroom #ArdgroomStoneCircle #StoneCircle #nature #landscape #Photography
#ireland #bearapeninsula #ardgroom #ardgroomstonecircle #stonecircle #nature #landscape #photography
#Walking in woodland and landscaped parkland with good open views. The walk takes in an ancient #stonecircle and glimpses of #CastleForbes an early 19thC mansion house in a Scottish baronial castle style ... 😀
#scotland #aberdeenshire #donside #hiking #castleforbes #stonecircle #walking
Historic monuments:Learable, Strath of Kildonan, #Sutherland #Cairn, #StoneCircle #StoneRow #Standingstone #ClearedTownship
#clearedtownship #standingstone #stonerow #stonecircle #cairn #sutherland
Surprised and saddened, on occasion, to find that we seem to care less. Bellman's Wood Recumbent #StoneCircle now and inset as it used to be. #StandingStoneSunday. More info from Historic Scotland here
#standingstonesunday #stonecircle
Rothiemay Recumbent #StoneCircle. "This ruined circle is still impressive although now reduced to four upright stones, still standing 2m tall, and the cup-marked recumbent which is 4m long and 1.7m high" @megalithic More photos here
#standingstonesunday #stonecircle
Quinta Stone Circle, Weston Rhyn. #StoneCircleSunday #StoneCircle
#stonecirclesunday #stonecircle
#StandingStoneSunday #Stonehenge #Sunrise #Dawn #Megaliths #StoneCircle #DoubleSquare
The Sun rising over the stones at Stonehenge. April 2011
#doublesquare #stonecircle #megaliths #dawn #sunrise #stonehenge #StandingStoneSunday
The East Aquhorthies Stone Circle. This can be found a few miles west of Inverurie in Aberdeenshire and was traditionally called "Easter Aquhorthies". It is one of around 90 recumbent stone circles to have survived in Aberdeenshire. More pics and info:
#Scotland #EastAquorthies #StoneCircle #RecumbentStoneCircle #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #recumbentstonecircle #stonecircle #eastaquorthies #scotland
The recumbent stone and flankers of the Midmar Kirk Stone Circle in Aberdeenshire, and the kirk, built adjacent to the 17m diameter circle in 1787, some 4,000 years after the circle was put in place. More pics and info:
#Scotland #Midmar #Church #StoneCircle #Aberdeenshire #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #aberdeenshire #stonecircle #church #midmar #scotland
Sunny when we set of for Ring of Brodgar but that didn't last long.
#stonecircle Orkney
Arnhill, 'ringing stane', Recumbent #StoneCircle nr Huntly in #Aberdeenshire. 'Local folklore says that when struck, the stone can be heard ringing through the rocks at the fishing village of Portsoy' @megalithic #StandingStoneSunday More images here
#standingstonesunday #aberdeenshire #stonecircle
Nine Stones Close, a Bronze Age circle in Derbyshire. In the distance the natural rock formation Robin Hood’s Stride for #StandingStoneSunday - freehand #digitalpainting #digitalArt #painting #printmaking #stonecircle
#StandingStoneSunday #digitalpainting #digitalArt #painting #printmaking #stonecircle
@bazgent It's rare to see #Castlerigg #StoneCircle deserted!
#castlerigg #stonecircle #standingstonesunday #keswick #lakedistrict #cumbria
Some snow on these behemoths. Changes all previous senses when there in the white stuff.
#StoneCircleSunday #StandingStoneSunday #StoneCircle #RecumbentStoneCircle #Scotland
#scotland #recumbentstonecircle #stonecircle #standingstonesunday #stonecirclesunday