Reino Unido se empecina en convertirse en el primer país que logra que la UNESCO les retire la designación de #Patrimonio de la Humanidad a dos sitios distintos: el empeño de los 'tories' en convertir en autovía el tramo de la carretera A303 que pasa junto a #Stonehenge a pesar de la UNESCO, del Tribunal Supremo y centenas de defensores del patrimonio sigue adelante
#patrimonio #stonehenge #reinounido
The Winterbourne Stoke Burrows are a cluster of ancient burial mounds near Stonehenge that look alien from above. They date back to the Bronze Age and contain every different type of barrow, revealing the diversity of ancient funerary practices. The site is also a haven for flowers, butterflies, and birds, offering a contrast between the past and the present.
Ken Brophy ‘The Urban Prehistorian’ on #Stonehenge
#Stonehenge: "used to peddle myths about the past while conserving power and control today – academic power, political power, power over access, an essential celebrity and politician photo opportunity, a place that one has to be associated with."
We visited Stonehenge today. It’s a Neolithic marvel, a UNESCO world heritage site and it’s great to be able to show it to our friend from New York. Obviously, me being me, I spent the whole time quoting Spinal Tap and speaking in their ridiculous English accents, to my own great amusement if no one else’s. Imagine my delight to find this tucked away discreetly on their wall of quotes in the visitors’ centre.
As a yankee, it's always funny to me that you can literally drive by #Stonehenge like a roadside attraction.
Book Review: How to Build #Stonehenge by Mike Pitts. Whilst this #book has been out for some time, this is such a detailed and fun #review that Rob Ixer sent in, we couldn't resist. Rob’s review is quite a long read, but very enjoyable, as is Mike’s book of course: #archaeology #prehistory
#stonehenge #book #archaeology #prehistory #review
#StandingStoneSunday #Megaliths #Stonehenge #VintageGraphics #PublicDomain #Illustration
Illustration from "Mohammedanism and Other Religions of Mediterranean Countries" by GT Bethany, c. 1892
#StandingStoneSunday #megaliths #stonehenge #vintagegraphics #publicdomain #illustration
From English Heritage Stonehenge: "This is the first aerial photograph of Stonehenge. In fact, it's the earliest known aerial photograph of any archaeological monument in Britain. It was shot from a military air balloon in 1906 by Lieutenant Philip Henry Sharpe of the Royal Engineers’ Balloon Section." 📷: Historic England Archive
Sad to see the roadways carved straight across the prehistoric ditches. 🥺
#stonehenge #history #heritage #prehistoric #StoneCircle #histodons
#stonehenge #history #heritage #prehistoric #stonecircle #histodons
#Stonehenge Mal
Mi último aporte #OnGoogleMaps #Terrassa, Ciudad de Constructores 🤓
#stonehenge #ongooglemaps #terrassa
Mi penúltima creación de sitio #OnGoogleMaps #Terrassa #Barcelona
#Stonehenge Mal 😁
#ongooglemaps #terrassa #barcelona #stonehenge
I found Stonehenge. It's by the Home Depot.
First time visiting #stonehenge. Pleasantly surprised that you get reasonably close to the stones. Less pleasantly surprised by the ticket cost. Weather was good though, so no complaints really.
#Stonehenge Alliance: Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site
I posted about the disastrous decision to approve the roadway and tunnel yesterday. Here are more details from the organization leading the opposition, and a chance to sign the petition if you have not done so.
#stonehenge #archaeology #heritage #historicpreservation #unesco
Surprise! Friday #foodhenge: a #Stonehenge cake made in Chile by @pastelariacheca on Instagram. Beautifully made!
Und zum Abschluss noch heute Tag 6: heute gings weiter ans Meer nach #Exmouth. Auf dem Weg lag #Stonehenge, das mussten wir daher quasi mitnehmen. Wir haben uns aber für die kostenlose Variante entschieden und sind von der nicht Touri-Seite hingelaufen. Man kommt dann zwar nicht ganz so nah ran, aber da man zu den eigentlichen Steinen eh nicht darf, für uns völlig ausreichend. Wir waren froh, für die paar Meter nicht 30€ / P. bezahlt zu haben.
# Urlaubsreise
Photos of the #Stonehenge-style sculpture/monument in Ridgelawn Gardens Cemetery, Cheektowaga, New York! Taken and posted by @buffgrl on Twitter.
Tunnel near Stonehenge
An ancient place now transformed
By modern engineering
#stonehenge #tunnel #engineering #haiku #poetry
£1.7bn* for a two mile tunnel. Isn't there supposed to be no money? Aren't we in a climate emergency? Shouldn't we look after our ancient heritage?😡
Does this corrupt, shambolic, destructive government do *anything* good?
* Likely to rise