When #SnoopDogg turns 60 he'll be 420 in dog years.
#SnoopDogg #deepthoughts #masticate #stonermusing #stoner #Humor
As a scientists that likes to read peer-reviewed literature & has reviewed a lot of it on #cannabis, I can confirm 100%.
It is WAY safer, when looking at the #LD50, etc., than #acetaminophen. The data is indisputable. #PublicHealth #Science
Now a #StonerMusing
How about the fact that we have #cannabinoid receptors in our brains? It's almost as if we evolved a mutually beneficial relationship with a plant.
#cannabis #ld50 #acetaminophen #publichealth #Science #stonermusing #cannabinoid #weareone #wearejohnmastodon #theresistancewillbefederated