#vinylrecords #music #stoneroses
Crap like this really does boil my p*ss
£40 + P&P for a 12" single 😵💫
No ta!!!
#vinylrecords #music #stoneroses
Starting the day off with #vinyl from The #StoneRoses. Such an important album to many people who were young in the late 80s.
This is the 2x45rpm edition. I remember being annoyed at the time that I couldn't find a regular 33rpm copy, now I'm glad to have this as it sounds spectacular.
#BBCLocalRadio - #StereoUnderground, Featured Artist: #TheSelecter. Plus: #StoneRoses, #TheJags, #Madness, #ArcadeFire, #ToyDolls, #Cake, #TheVapors, #Squeeze, #Sleeper
This week’s show is available to download now #BBCSounds
#bbclocalradio #Stereounderground #TheSelecter #stoneroses #thejags #madness #arcadefire #toydolls #cake #TheVapors #Squeeze #Sleeper #BBCSounds
Had a blast of this after work. Still play it as often as I did when it first came out all those years ago. #StoneRoses #Vinyl #NowPlaying #Wednesday #AltText
#stoneroses #vinyl #nowplaying #wednesday #alttext
60 years of #IanBrown.
I'd like to leave the country.
For a month of sundays.
For how the #StoneRoses changed my life.
And now, courtesy of the ineffable @iamjurassicmark earlier today, the TV broadcast of the #StoneRoses from Reading 1996. To say that this was a legendary disaster of a show rather understates. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7IE3yhhR0xpXt_iP4NIt9nRkosjGswde
I'll post this masterpiece from time to time, just because - #StoneRoses Fools Gold
This song is such a pillar of the end 80s thru 90s Madchester scene but endured beyond it sort of doesn't quite entirely fit in to my brain that people may have never heard it.
If an urn of my ashes, are getting scattered in to the waves before everyone goes for a good session in the pub, this song should probably be playing on whatever the equivalent of bluetooth speaker is at that point.
Stone Roses - Fool's Gold
#music #stoneroses #indie #BearTracks #uk #80s #90s
Heerlijk!!! #stoneroses
Fools Gold - Remastered https://song.link/https://open.spotify.com/track/2mv6GY70UsHiTCGQZ4JfgC
Don't we all... don't we all. One of the soundtracks to my summer of 89.
I was still a teenager with the world at my feet when this came out...
#stoneroses #IWannaBeAdored #saturdaysounds
Mon titre préféré des Stones Roses. Deux albums en cinq ans, et puis s'en vont... Ce titre je l'ai découvert sur Oüi FM dans les années 90, quand c'étatit encore une vrai radio rock, et l'ostinito de la fin du morceau m'a envouté.
Presque 30 après, la magie opère encore sur moi.
may love spread to you all
#stoneroses #ouifm
Mon titre préféré des Stones Roses. Deux albums en cinq ans, et puis s'en vont... Ce titre je l'ai découvert sur Oüi FM dans les années 90, quand c'était encore une vrai radio rock, et l'ostinato de la fin du morceau m'a envouté.
Presque 30 après, la magie opère encore sur moi.
may love spread to you all
#stoneroses #ouifm
#Radiohead #TheVerve #Verve #Debussy #Satie #Ravel #Pixies #TheClientele #Deerhunter #Doves #PearlJam #U2 #ThomYorke #DevendraBanhart #JonnyGreenwood #Grouplove #TameImpala #Slowdive #Violens #Suede #Ride #TheBeatles #Beatles #Björk #Bjork #JorgeElbrecht #CocteauTwins #FlyingLotus #Beck #TheStoneRoses #StoneRoses #Oasis #OtherLives #NoJoy #TheSmiths #Tamaryn #GrizzlyBear #SigurRós #SigurRos #Swervedriver #Japan #LUNASEA #AnnaCalvi #Dungen #BoardsOfCanada #REM #Elbow
#radiohead #theverve #verve #debussy #satie #Ravel #pixies #theclientele #deerhunter #doves #pearljam #u2 #thomyorke #devendrabanhart #jonnygreenwood #grouplove #tameimpala #slowdive #violens #Suede #ride #thebeatles #beatles #bjork #jorgeelbrecht #CocteauTwins #flyinglotus #beck #TheStoneRoses #stoneroses #oasis #otherlives #nojoy #TheSmiths #tamaryn #grizzlybear #sigurros #swervedriver #japan #lunasea #annacalvi #dungen #boardsofcanada #rem #elbow
John Squire's isolated guitar parts on Love Spreads. Spellbinding! 🔥🔥🔥
Happy 60th birthday, John!
Good morning! We're kind of spoiled today with artists birthdays, but I am totally biased as I am a huge #StoneRoses fan, so today's happy birthday goes out to John Squire, fantastic guitarist, but equally, brilliant artist. John has turned his back on music, and is a very accomplished painter these days.
This piece is called "No signal" from 2018 and is oil on canvas
#stoneroses #StartTheDayWithArt #art #STDWA #boost
Good morning! We're kind of spoiled today with artists birthdays, but I am totally biased as I am a huge #StoneRoses fan, so today's happy birthday goes out to John Squire, fantastic guitarist, but equally, brilliant artist. John has turned his back on music, and is a very accomplished painter these days.
This piece is called "No signal" from 2018 and is oil on canvas
#stoneroses #StartTheDayWithArt #art #STDWA